
Profile: ellerlor


User posts

10 months ago

Hi to everybody.
I'm writing in the forum because I don't know why this plugin doesn't work properly (plugin of the minimal theme).

I need to display a slider in the products page only with a manufacturer and only for the products that are in a unpublished category.

This feature works fine for product ribbon plugin, but when I set the identical conditions for the anywhere slider doesn't work...why?

The default condition in setted on false and I have enabled the follow condition groups
Manufacturer -> Name -> equal to -> (the manufacturer's name)
Product -> Category -> Equal to -> (the unpublished category)

These are the same conditions of the product ribbon plugin but the anywhere slider doesn't work
PS if i change the condition to True I can see the slider but on the intere site
Thank in advance for your help

Hi we are using nop v 4.404 with rechapca v3.0 but we are receiving tons of mails trought the tab contact us (of quicktab plugin). Anyone knows how to fix this issue?

3 years ago

Hi I have modify some pages of this super theme for a better seo experience.
Maybe this could help someone:

file /view/catalog/productsbytag.cshtml
After the //title I have add the page description (and added in the configurations->languages the resource name: PageDescription.ProductsByTag and a inserted a value)


I have done the same for the following pages:

  Html.AddMetaDescriptionParts(T("PageDescription.newproducts ").Text);

In the following page
I had a lot of duplicate pages so I have done this:

Html.AddMetaDescriptionParts(Model.ProductName);  Html.AddMetaDescriptionParts(T("PageDescription.ProductReviews").Text);

Hope this will help someone


5 years ago

I have a small problem with the one page checkout (nop version 3.9). Our customers confirm the orders without choose the right payment and the plugin take the first one in the list (Bank transfer in advance). Is  there a way to disable the 1st one payment by default and oblige our customers to choose one of our 7 payments type before to confirm the orders?

Thank you in advance

6 years ago

Strane issue.. Also our ecommerce with 3.9 is working like that... sometimes the server CPU running 90% other times 20%. Do you think it is the ribbons plugin the cause?

We will try to disable it and I'll let u know


Hi I've got the same problem of Sonia: but I would like to send a mail after almost 1 year the customers have bought (350 days), but I'm a little bit scared to send 1000 mails to the customers (I've already done a similar mistake :-)  ) So I would like to be sure it is working

I've got this configuration
Reminder Rule: Completed Order reminder
Number Of Messages To Send Per Customer  : 1
Condition Met Date Later Than: 349 days
Condition Met Date Earlier Than: 350 days
Interval Between Messages: 1 minute

Is this correct? How can I test It?

Thank you in advance

7 years ago


We are planning to buy the Poppy Theme... but it seems that is build with frames. Is it correct? I'm writing this because google doesn't like the sites with frames

Thank you

8 years ago

After upgrade from 3.6 to 3.8 we have the same error!! It is incredible that several people as the same error and we have not solution. I did the upgrade process several times but I have the same problem..

Line 15:     <div class="header-menu">
Line 16:         @Html.Action("TopMenu", "Catalog")
Line 17:     </div>
Line 18:     <div class="master-wrapper-content">

Source File: x:\xxxx\Hobbystore380\Views\Shared\_Root.cshtml    Line: 16

Please solve this issues asap .. I am ready for the upgrade but now it is not possible!

10 years ago


Sorry for the delay of the answer, I know that the reminder doesn't send any email because I've checked to put something in the basket with a new email and I stopped to complete the order. Meanwhile other customers had add some goods in the basket without complete the orders. I've checked the SevenSpikes.Plugins.CustomerReminders.Admin.Submenus.ReminderMessagesReport resourse but no one record has been sent, I've also checked in system->message queue...there are plenty of messages sent but no one with the customer reminder plugin. The set up for the right store in the reminder plugin is ok.

You wrote "Also check how often the Reminders scheduled task is run. I would advice you to run it every hour" how can I do this?

About the missing resources I've checked and cleared the cache but nothing seems changed
Have a look of the resources name:
In italian
Italiano  sevenspikes.plugins.customerreminders.admin.submenus.managereminders  Messaggi Reminder
Italiano  sevenspikes.plugins.customerreminders.admin.submenus.remindermessagesreport  Rapporti reminder
and in English
English  sevenspikes.plugins.customerreminders.admin.submenus.managereminders  Manage Reminders
English  sevenspikes.plugins.customerreminders.admin.submenus.remindermessagesreport  Reminder Messages Report

I use nop 3.2
I know is quite a mess but I hope you can help me :-)


10 years ago

I've got a problem with the customer reminders plugin. I think I've set up properly but it doesn't send any email. You can see a screenshot at the follow link
Also the resource name doesn't work well even if I have I have translated it in configuration->languages
SevenSpikes.Plugins.CustomerReminders.Admin.Submenus.ManageReminders -> Messaggi Reminder
SevenSpikes.Plugins.CustomerReminders.Admin.Submenus.ReminderMessagesReport ->   Rapporti reminder

What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help