FYI it appears the issue was a chrome ad blocking extension that needed to be disabled.
"Fair AdBlock (by STANDS)":
I am trying to place a slider before the body of the home page but under the menu. I have placed the following code in _ColumsTwoHome.chtml directly before the center-2 div class. However it is not rendering correctly. I have added a slider to the anywhere slider plugin and placed it in the home page top widget. Am I missing something?
<div class="hmslider">
For any others that are trying to solve this, copy the Topic folder in Nop.Web/Views/ and move it to your themes views directory. Then modify the file. I do not recommend modifying the core views.
Ok So I found in the default install there is a Topic folder with the file TopicDetails.chtml. I modified this and it looks like I have the sidebar now on the topic pages.
Ok. I see that in the Home view there is an index.chtml file for the home page. What view is being used to display topic pages? That is where I will need to add this then.
I am trying to figure out where to add the _ColumnsTwo reference so that all pages have 2 columns rather than one. Our home page is also unique so we have created a view for that (_ColumnsTwoHome). Thank you.
Tried this and still nothing. Any other ideas?
We have been using the lighthouse theme for a while and now we noticed the past 2 updates to Nop the tabs for overview and specs are not working properly. It almost appears they are missing some div tags. The site is on a dev server and not available to the public but I can do my best to give you the info I can to assist us in a resolution.
The install that does not display correctly appears to be lacking some styling class attributes. See below what HTML is being rendered:
<div class="productTabs" id="quickTabs">
<div class="productTabs-header">
<a href="#quickTab-description">Overview</a>
<a href="#quickTab-specifications">Specifications</a>
<a href="#quickTab-contact_us">Contact Us</a>
<div class="productTabs ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"
<div class="productTabs-header">
<ul class=
"ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"
<li aria-controls="quickTab-description" aria-labelledby=
"ui-id-1" aria-selected="true" class=
"ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-tabs-active ui-state-active"
role="tab" tabindex="0">
<a class="ui-tabs-anchor" href="#quickTab-description" id=
"ui-id-1" role="presentation" tabindex="-1">Overview</a>
<li aria-controls="quickTab-specifications" aria-labelledby=
"ui-id-2" aria-selected="false" class=
"ui-state-default ui-corner-top" role="tab" tabindex="-1">
<a class="ui-tabs-anchor" href="#quickTab-specifications"
id="ui-id-2" role="presentation" tabindex=
When I disable the Mega Menu and shrink my browser, my responsive menu has the following text:
Any ideas?
I have been using the Lighthouse theme for over a year and a half. I think the original theme had used the Mega Menu plugin to handle the responsive menu. Upon upgrading, it appears the option "Enable responsive menu" is no longer there. So I have to use the megameu plugin to get the responsive menu at all times. Is this true and if so is there a work around to use the theme menu on desktops and to use the mega menu under 960px?
Also, it appears if I only have 1 slide to display, the plugin does not work. It is replicating the image 2 times. Does this plugin need 2 sliders to work properly?
My site is a dev site so it currently is not publicly available - sorry.