You can not assign filter options to categories. Actually, filter options depend on the specifications and attributes that you have assigned to the products from the category. So, if you have products that have only the Resolution, Led/LCD, Ports specifications in the Monitors Category, only they will be available as filter options.
Hope this helps!
Have you removed the script from the Custom Head Styles ?
Do you have changes on nopCommerce source code or third party plugins ?
Have you tried to run the theme on clean nop ?
Can you submit a ticket ? This way we will be able to find the problem easier by using the information from the ticket form.
Do you have a custom address attribute that you have named Address Type ?
This could be linked to taxes. Can you provide us with your tax configuration ? It can be found in Configuration -> Settings -> Tax Settings.
Unfortunately the MiniShoppingCartModel does not have any custom properties, but if you want you can add CustomeProperties in it and populate it with your information in the ShoppingCartController.
If you go to the ShoppingCartController in Nop.Web, you will find the prepare method for the mini shopping cart and a method colled AddProductToCart_Catalog, which renders the FlyoutShoppingCart view and uses the PrepareMiniShoppingCartModel to prepare a MiniShoppingCartModel that the view uses to display the information that you see in the mini shopping cart.
Hope this helps!
Can we ask you to elaborate more on this ? Do you need to show all the products that have certain discounts applied to them or all the discounted products ?
In the Sales Campaigns plugin we have an option to map all the products from a campaign to certain category by using the Category setting in Sales Campaign Settings tab. Maybe this setting will help you achieve what you need.
Can we get a link to your site ?
We have tried this locally and it seems there is no problem with opening the reviews tab from link looking like this:
Note: You need to disable Ajax from Plugin -> Nop Quick Tabs -> Settings -> Ajax Settings
You can disable it from the administration -> Configuration -> Settings -> Order Settings -> Disable Billing Address Step.
Note: This does not work for guest customers. If some of your customers attempt to checkout as guests they will see the billing address form, because of the way the disabling of the billing address works.
We always set some billing address, although the customer may not be required to fill it. Because the guest customers does not have addresses, there is nothing we can set for default billing address and that is why the billing form is required when the customer that is attempting to checkout is guest.
Hope this helps!