Can you check your System -> Log for errors related to the Conditions ? This is unexpected behaviour and probably this happens due to some error.
This URLs shouldn't be accessed by google crowers. Can you try to forbid them ?
This can be done from Nop.Web -> Controllers -> CommonController -> RobotsTextFile action. Just add all the URLs starting with ProductTab/ in the disallowPaths list.
Hope this helps!
We will be happy to help!
Did you go through the Salesforce documentation ?
There are steps that you will have to perform from the Salesforce administration to run the plugin.
The most significant one is to install a special package to add required custom fields to your Salesforce objects. Then you will need to obtain a security token, which you enter in the plugin settings from nopCommerce administration.
You can look the Installation and setup section from the Salesforce documentation for more detailed information about the steps you need to perform.
Hope this helps!
Can you give us a concrete example ?
We will appreciate a screenshot that shows the changes you want.
Thank you!
Unfortunately there is no setting you can use to achieve this. However you can remove them from the CategoryTemplate view.
Open Views\Catalog\CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml there you will find a subcategories section, just comment it and the subcategories will disappear.
Hope this helps!
Maybe there is some kind of error that prevends the ribbon images from showing and prevends you from uploading your own images. Can you check your System -> Log for errors related to Product Ribbons ?
Thank you for your feedback!
We found a problem with the selectors when having multiple search boxes and created a fix. It is deployed for 3.60. You should update your themes and plugins to latest version.
We will, but we will need to know other customers opinion on this. You should suggest this to our UserVoice portal.
Don't hesitate to write back if you have any more questions!
Yes, you can.
Open InstantSearch.cshtml view, which you can find in Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.InstantSearch\Views\InstantSearch. At the bottom of the view you will find a JS redirect looking like this:
window.location.href = "@Url.RouteUrl("HomePage")" + "search?adv=true&cid=" + selectedCategory + "&q=" + encodeURIComponent(searchedTerm) + "&[email protected]&isc=true";