Could you give us a little more information what exactly you want to change ?
Do you want to change the theme color or you want your customers to have the option to select the color ?
Sorry my bad. The above answer is for the AjaxFilters.
Unfortunately in AjaxFilters Pro you could not have equal ranking for filter options.
On which theme are you trying this ?
On Default Clean is appearing.
If you are using some third party theme, please check if the price class of the div wrapping the price is not caching some styles that it shouldn't. Keep in mind that if this price class is not used you could use it to apply some styles to the price.
We are not experiencing this problem locally and your site doesn't seem slow.
Could you provide us with a link to page that appears slow ?
How did you find out that the JavaScript is the problem ?
Could you specify what part of the JavaScript is slowing down your site (some code fragment or file which causes the problem) ?
You could edit the content from Themes/Nitro/Views/Common/Footer.cshtml
The class is added to this element of the slider:
<div class=slider-wrapper theme-YOUR_THEME_CLASS_NAME">
Yes, you can easily do it.
Open Views\Product\RelatedProducts.cshtml view and change the item-box div to the following:
<div class="item-box">
@Html.Partial("_ProductBox", item)
<div class="price">@item.ProductPrice.Price</div>
We are glad you like OnePageCheckout plugin!
You could update now and the bugs related to points 3 and 4 will be gone.
Probably your server has cached the old version of the filters JavaScript. You should restart your site or edit Global.asax by adding few spaces, which will trigger full restart and should clear the server cache.
If you are using some service like CloudFlare you should clear your cache in there too.