jakubz wrote:
2. Default unchecked - address form is hidden, but we have text: "Do you want a delivery to another address?" when client clicked "yes" new address forms is showing up for him.
Thanks for the feedback! You could change the Ship to same address resource ( SevenSpikes.RealOnePageCheckout.Public.ShipToSameAddress ) to the message above, but it will make sense when the ship to same address checked by default setting is added. I could not give you exact time frame, but the setting won't be added before next week.
jakubz wrote:
Can you tell me, when you want upgrade this plugin? I wanted deploy OnePageCheout to my shop this weekend, but "complete button" has disqualified this solution :/ and I need wait until you change it - or maybe you can tell me how i can to change it. ;)
Officially the permanent enabling of the complete button will probably be available next week. If you don't want to wait you could enable the button but you will have to count on server validation. You could do it by going to
Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.RealOnePageCheckout\Views\RealOnePageCheckout, open the
RealOnePageCheckout.cshtml view, locate this "div" at the bottom of the form:
<div class="buttons complete-button">
<button type="button" data-processing="@T("SevenSpikes.RealOnePageCheckout.Public.ProcessingButton")" data-complete="@T("SevenSpikes.RealOnePageCheckout.Public.CompleteButton")" ng-disabled="checkoutForm.$invalid" ng-click="vm.orderConfirmData.submitted = true">@T("SevenSpikes.RealOnePageCheckout.Public.CompleteButton")</button>
and remove or comment the ng-disabled="checkoutForm.$invalid" attribute.
kevlingo wrote:Anyone experience slow loading of the checkout page? I am running in Azure and the site itself is fast, but when the user goes to check out, the page takes quite a bit of time loading. Is there anything I can do to make this page snappier?
Is you plugin updated to the latest version ?
Could you give us more information about the delay ? How much is the delay ? On what device do you test it ?