
Profile: iliyan.tanev


User posts

10 years ago


Action name for All Shops or for One shop ? 

Custom Rules
10 years ago


iliyan.tanev wrote:

The problem is from the Autofac and it happens when you try to resolve the registered dependency. According to the issue discussion I send you the problem happens due to the disposal of the scope on EndRequest. Maybe it has something to do with the resolution of the registered dependencies. Do you use them in some caching function ?

Custom Rules
10 years ago


Autofac is used for Dependency resolving. It is the container that holds and from which you resolve your dependencies. So you must use it in order for your dependency register to work.

10 years ago


Unfortunately, after some research we concluded that with the current version of the Quick Tabs this could not be done, although it is interesting as a future.

10 years ago

No, the specification attributes are fine too.

10 years ago


You could add an Gender attribute to your products. This way you will get a Gender panel with the desired genders as options.
To hide it in certain categories you will need to make changes to Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxFilters\Views\AttributeFilter7Spikes\AttributeFilter.cshtml. There you will find a foreach looping through the FilterItems. You will need to add the following code at the beginning of it and make the firstCategoryId and secondCategoryId to correspond to your category ids. 

if (Model.CategoryId == firstCategoryId || Model.CategoryId == secondCategoryId && attributeFilterGroup.Name == "Gender")

Custom Rules
10 years ago


Sorry for the late response and Happy new Year!

I don't see anything wrong with your Dependency Register.

The problem is from the Autofac and it happens when you try to resolve the registered dependency. According to the issue discussion I send you the problem happens due to the disposal of the scope on EndRequest. Maybe the it has something to do with the resolution of the registered dependencies. Do you use them in some caching function ?

Custom Rules
10 years ago

IvanSlater wrote:
Is there a way to clear or truncate all messages sent? From Nop Admin (3.3).

You can delete them from the database table SS_CR_CustomerReminderMessageRecord.

About your Autofac issue - refer to this to understand the reason. 
Review your Dependency Register. You are probably registering your reminder wrong.

10 years ago


Could you check if the view AdditionalPanelsToUpdate.cshtml is in ~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart/Views/NopAjaxCart/ ?


We are using only what nopCommerce provides for linking scripts and resources, which is bundling. The bundling of nopCommerce does not provide a way to work with CDNs, but it provides a way to override the methods that are responsible for the scripts bundling.
You could easily override the methods and refer to this StackOverflow question to make the bundling work with CDNs .

Regarding the images: all images specific to our themes are linked through the css, because they are mostly background images. If you want to use load them through CDN you will have to change the paths from the css file.