You have placed the code right, but you have confused the category id with it's name.
You could get the id from the database or by going to the administration -> Catalog -> Categories -> List and click the edit button. At the end of the url you will see a number. This is the id.
Open the Presentation\Nop.Web\Views\Shared\_ProductBox.cshtml view and wrap the .prices div with the following check:
var currentCategoryId = Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["categoryId"];
if (currentCategoryId != null && Convert.ToInt32(currentCategoryId.ToString()) != the id of the category you don't want to have prices on)
<div class="prices">
You could change the ManufacturerNavigation method by updating the check in the first if in the method. The beginning of the method should look like this:
object currentProductId = Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["productId"];
if (_catalogSettings.ManufacturersBlockItemsToDisplay == 0 || currentProductId != null)
return Content("");
We didn't perform any tests about this, but theoretically speaking adding html directly to the Nop.Web views should load faster than adding it to some plugin, because the plugin will have to be loaded on application start and the html will not be loaded until the plugin is loaded.
Could you check the System -> Log in your life site for errors related to the conditions or sliders.
Could you also check for JavaScript errors in your browser, when you add new condition or update existing one.
If you find any errors, please paste it in this topic. If not we will need admin credentials, which you could provide us with by raising a ticket.
Could you submit a ticket with your admin credentials and the error so we could take a look at your setup ?
Could you also submit a ticket with admin credentials ?
You need to update the core as well.
You could refer to this article for more information - How to update a plugin
You could use two different emails for this.
The contact us form needs to use the default email account but orders completed for example does not.
You could change the email used for orders completed from Administration area -> Content Management -> Message Templates, in there find OrderCompleted.CustomerNotification, click edit and below the email body you will see Email account dropdown. Just select the email account you want from there.
You could find them in the Views\Product\ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml view.