
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

Contact Form
8 years ago

S63 wrote:
Hello. Could you please let me know if it is possible to add a custom field like "phone" and a validation onto form?

I have searched through the forum, but no luck :(

Thank you.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to add custom fields into the Contact us tab in the Quick Tabs plugin.

Please suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal and if people vote for it, we will implement it.

Hope this helps!

8 years ago

dimitritroncquo wrote:

I'm having some trouble getting the ribbons to work in nopCommerce 3.8. They work fine in the DefaultClean theme, but with our own customized version of this same theme, the scripts don't seem to load.

Other sevenspikes plugins, like ajaxfilters and prev/next however work fine.

I must say we kind of butchered the theme, so maybe we deleted a necessary section or dom-element or whatever. I tried to track down this mysterious omission, but I havn't been able to pinpoint it.

What sections, widgetzones, etc. does the ribbons plugin rely on to be loaded?

You can check the dev site at The products in this category should all have a ribbon.

Our content and templates are partially loaded from Umbraco, but this shouldn't really make a difference I think. It just explains why we maimed the theme the way we did :)

The /choctales is because we run a multistore on a single domain using a reverse proxy. The stores are actually on two "virtual" domains known only locally to the server. In IIS we use two applications under a single website to avoid naming conflicts. Both point to the same actual application. This all sounds a bit complex probably, and I don't think this is what causes the issue. We don't have trouble loading other content. When I check the network tab in dev tools, there are no 404's. It looks like the script-tags don't get added to the html.


Product Ribbons plugin is using the "content_before" widget zone to render its info. It is required to have this widget zone. This should be enough. Can you please check if the "content_before" widget zone is available for your theme?

Looking forward to your reply!

8 years ago

IvanSlater wrote:

Any message generated is being duplicated in QueuedEmail list. Same if I look in database, [SS_CR_CustomerReminderMessageRecord]. Records have minimal miliseconds difference, same reminderId, customerId, ReminderMessageId.

We are testing latest trial version on nop 3.7 running on webfarm (2 processors).

No other nop e-mail is being duplicated, should it be related to webfarms?

Can you verify?


Most probably, it is from the webfarms. Can you test it without webfarms?

Looking forward to your reply!

jingchyu wrote:
I would like to know how to prevent the Facebook Shop Plugin from reopening the tab back to my website after clicking the "Details" button in the product page. I personally would like to disable the button since as a user I wouldn't want to navigate to other site while on Facebook.

I have little to moderate understanding of the source code, so you can suggest solutions by modifying source code if it can't be done in the configuration.

Thank you very much


Sorry for the late reply!

You can remove the Details button by going to Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.FacebookShop\Views\FacebookShop\Product.cshtml and remove this line: <a class="button-link details" href="@productUrl" title="@Model.Name" target="_blank">@T("Products.Details")</a>

P.S. Keep in mind that there is not Buy button in the FacebookShop and if you remove the Details button, customers won't be able to navigate back to your site to, for example, buy the product.

Hope this helps!

8 years ago

ifmobler wrote:
I updated the TabSpecifications to allow grouping. In our website it's very useful.
File: views\product\_ProductSpecifications.cshtml


Thank you for the suggestion, but nopCommerce does not group the specifications and we need to consistent with this. This is why we cannot implement this in the Quick Tabs plugin.

However, someone might like what have you done and use your solution in their sites.

8 years ago

sapphire wrote:
We have a customer who would like to add a video to the banner (Vimeo link) - Ability to add video would be great

Hi Sapphire,

you can achieve this result with the Html Widgets plugin, which allows you to place everything ( including video ) to a certain place(s) on your page(s).

Have you considered it?

Source Code
8 years ago

dobra wrote:
Then, i can change functionalities of pluging ?


No, unfortunately, you cannot change the functionality of the plugins.

8 years ago

dimitritroncquo wrote:

We recently purchased the nop ajax filters extension. When I try to open the settings page I get the following error:

Compiler Error Message: CS1705: Assembly 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxFilters' with identity 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxFilters, Version=3.8.746.22651, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' uses 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=65535.65535.65535.65535, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' which has a higher version than referenced assembly 'System.Web.Mvc' with identity 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'

I tried a few things like putting the following in my web.config (both in the root and in the administration folder):


        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Mvc" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

I even replaced the System.Web.Mvc dll in the GAC, but i keep receiving the same error.


Not long ago we had a client that had the same problem. Here is the answer:

the web.config of the site had some lines that tells to use Roslyn compiler instead of the compiler for .NET 4.5.1
And for some reason the new compiler is not picking up some of the settings in the web.config and is not loading the assemblies properly."

Could you please check your web.config?

If everything is okay with the web.config file, could you please tell us if you have updated the System.Web.Mvc dll?

Looking forward to your reply!

8 years ago

ifmobler wrote:
One of the best things in Pavillion theme is the ajax filter, but, I would like to have the abillity to hide an attribute group, is that possible?

If not, guess I need to add this feature.

I believe it's easy by adding a published variable to Model.
@foreach (AttributeFilterGroup attributeFilterGroup in Model.AttributeFilterGroups)


Sorry for the late reply!

There is no built-in feature that allows you to hide certain attribute groups. However, you can do this by adding some logic to the view like you already mentioned.

Hope this helps!

Source Code
8 years ago

dobra wrote:

If i buy this plugin collection, can i have the source code or can i develop these plugins ?

Thank you.


Unfortunately, the source code is not included. But all of the public views are open for modifications, so you if you need to change something you can do it from there.

Hope this helps!