
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

8 years ago

vipul.dumaniya wrote:
can i get some reply about above error please ?? i check bin folder and  it using the correct version of the Newtonsoft.Json.dll as same is using by Nop.web in 3.8 version so i think is using by pavillion theme plugin
can you please verify it ASAP ??


Could you please tell me your product version? You can do it by going to Administration -> System -> System information -> click Show button next to the loaded assemblies and search for something like this:

SevenSpikes.Theme.Pavilion, Version=3.*.***.*****, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

I checked the references and none of the plugins in the Pavilion theme do not use the Newtonsoft.Json.dll.

Do you have any other plugins from different vendors?

Looking forward to your reply!

RBfinelines wrote:
Any plans to add linking between attributes?

Such as 'this year range' is only for 'this car model'


Product fits 1999-2001 Dodge Ram 1500 and 2002-2008 Dodge Ram 2500. The way it's works now (as of Nop 3.5 version) is that because the part has 1999-2008 and Ram 1500 / Ram 2500 suddenly the part will also fit a 2008 Ram 1500.

The only way around this is to have two additional products created and use Specific Attributes to 'link' them both to the same part. Which is horrible...three products just to properly present ONE product; now multiply that for ~7000+ parts (some of which have up to 7 different vehicles). Oh, and each product comes in several material types (with unique SKUs).

PS: Posted to UserVoice too


This has to come somehow from nopCommerce itself. We simply use the specification attributes that are set on the products to populate the dropdowns with the available options. I know that this does not solve your problem, but I'm not sure that this should be a configuration in the plugin.

8 years ago

kellersys wrote:

1.  Load time is over 30 secs.
2   Shipping Area does not display options
3.  When selecting payment it automatically jumps back.

Following bugs in log.

A public action method 'updateaddress' was not found on controller 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.RealOnePageCheckout.Controllers.RealOnePageCheckoutController'.

A public action method 'updatepaymentmethod' was not found on controller 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.RealOnePageCheckout.Controllers.RealOnePageCheckoutController'.

A public action method 'updatecountry' was not found on controller 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.RealOnePageCheckout.Controllers.RealOnePageCheckoutController'.


Have you made any modifications to the nopCommerce?

This issue could be because of some javascript caching. Could you please try to clear the cache and see if this will fix your issue?

If this does not help, please submit a ticket to our system providing a link to your website and admin credentials so that we can inspect it. This will be the fastest way to resolve the issue.

Looking forward to your reply!

8 years ago

JacquieK wrote:
I have NopCommerce 3.8 & RealOnePageCheckout Version=3.8.829.22773.  If I log in to an existing account with a shipping address  available and go to checkout, everything loads fine on the page.  If I try to checkout as a guest (or an account without a shipping address), the page gets javascript errors and cannot load.  I did some troubleshooting and determined my Stripe Payment plugin (Payments.Stripe Version
from is the issue.  If I disable it, the one page checkout is fine.  If I re-enable Stripe payment, the page gets an error and will not load.  I set the default country to US, but that didn't fix it.  Stripe payments works fine when I disable one page checkout.  Is there a known fix for this by any chance?

Hi JacquieK,

there was indeed a problem, but it was fixed by the nop-payments develop about 3 months ago. You just need to re-download the Stripe plugin and everything will work fine.

P.S. - the version that contains the fix is Stripe_3_80_1.4.0.0 or above.

Hope this helps!

swild wrote:
I want to add 2 additional form fields to "Customer" and "Address" e.g. "ID card number"

Is it possible to make use of the nC standard backend configuration?
configuration > Customer form fields > Custom customer attributes > add new

Custom customer attributes
If the default form fields are not enough for your needs, then you can manage additional customer attributes below.

"add new"
Identity card number

Or any other way to add customized form fields?

Thanks for feedback


The One Page Checkout plugin does support custom address form fields, so you can use them without any problems.

Hope this helps!

8 years ago

dimitritroncquo wrote:
Dear Hristian,

This seems to have fixed the issue. I was able to reorder evrything in the correct way, and it all seems to work fine. I don't quite remember why I combined the files the way I did. I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time. Well, live and learn :)

Thank you very much!

Kind regards,


Hi Dimitri,

I'm glad that everything is working fine now!

Have a great day!

8 years ago

hkreklame wrote:
Is there any way to know when the contact form is sent? I need to track the event, but only IF the form is successfully sent.


Yes, there is an event when the form is successfully sent. However, this event is used also when a new review is submitted. The event is called "quickTabsRefreshedTab". Would that work for you?

eadameg wrote:
Is there a way of showing ribbons in associated products?


Yes, you should just adjust the selectors of the plugin.

In the Product Box Selector setting add ".product-variant-line" and in the Product Box Picture Container Selector setting add ".variant-picture"

Hope this helps!

8 years ago

dimitritroncquo wrote:

I checked the js file, and it's on the server. Also, there is no 404 for the file, so it's as if it doesn't even get requested.

When I use the defaultclean theme, it works fine, so I must be missing something in our custom theme.


I just checked your _Root.cshtml file and I saw that you have combined the "_Root.cshtml" file and "_Root.Head.cshtml" in one file, which I believe is causing the problem.

The javascript file of the plugin is added by the AddScriptParts method in nopCommerce ( Html.AddScriptParts("~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Core/Scripts/SevenSpikesExtensions.min.js"); ), and later on it should be rendered by the @Html.NopCssFiles(this.Url, ResourceLocation.Head) method.

However, when you open a page with your theme, it will execute the @Html.NopCssFiles(this.Url, ResourceLocation.Head) first and after that, the Product Ribbons plugin will be integrated into the "content_before" zone. But it will be too late for the plugin to insert its own javascript file via AddScriptParts method because the scripts would be already rendered. This is why there are no problems in Default Clean theme.

I suggest you use the Default Clean theme as an example and separate the 2 files that I mentioned above.

Hope this helps!

8 years ago

dimitritroncquo wrote:
@Html.Widget("content_before") is in the template, so that's not the issue.


I inspected the source code of your webpage and I can see that the necessary code for the product ribbons is there, which means that the plugin is integrated successfully. However, I didn't see the javascript file for the plugin. The interesting thing is that if the <div id="product-ribbon-info"></div> is there, the javascript file should also be there because it is loaded from the same file. This may happen if the javascript file is missing.

Can you please check if the javascript file is uploaded correctly on your server? It should be in this folder: \Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.ProductRibbons\Scripts\ - ProductRibbons.min.js

Looking forward to your reply!