
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

7 years ago

baloghc wrote:
I need help making a modification to the Instant Search plugin.  

The problem is we have the trademark symbol in some of our product names(&#174).  I need to find a way to encode this in the InstantSearch.cshtml view.  

I need to modify this line...
'<div class="title">${ data.Name }</div>' +

but I'm not sure with that kendo code how to do it.  Please advise.


Hi Chris,

Just replace this:

${ data.Name }

with this:

#= data.Name #

Hope this helps!

chongtto wrote:
I'm using Pavilion theme.
I want to add font-awesome.min.css to Nop.Plugin.Payments.CheckMoneyOrder. So I did:

In Nop.Plugin.Payments.CheckMoneyOrder plugin project, under Views\PaymentInfo.cshtml, I added the file like below.
After that I built and gave a it a run. The css file is not loaded even though the code is executed when I debugged. What am I missing?


    Layout = "";

@using Nop.Web.Framework.UI
@model Nop.Plugin.Payments.CheckMoneyOrder.Models.PaymentInfoModel
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Also I already checked that the css file was always copied to deployment dir.


I don't think that the problem comes from the theme. You can switch to DefaultClean and check if the result is the same.

My best guess is that as the payment plugins are loaded "dynamically" this means that you cannot use extension methods like "AddCssFileParts". Just try to add the CSS file with the <link> tag e.g.:  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="link-to-your-css-file.css">

7 years ago

ierhalim wrote:


You can override the FindPartialView and FindView

Thanks a lot it worked well.

Now i can develop custom views.

But still having trouble with adding item to cart. Dou you have any recommendation for that?


maybe you can use ActionFilters to change the logic in the AddToCart actions instead of overriding them? Our AjaxCart plugin has its own routes and probably that's why your own actions are not called.

7 years ago

ierhalim wrote:



You can override the FindPartialView and FindView methods to ensure that your view will be found from your view locations. Something like this:

public override ViewEngineResult FindPartialView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string partialViewName, bool useCache)
  ViewEngineResult viewEngineResult = base.FindPartialView(controllerContext, partialViewName, useCache);

  if (useCache && viewEngineResult.View == null)
    viewEngineResult = base.FindPartialView(controllerContext, partialViewName, false);

  return viewEngineResult;

public override ViewEngineResult FindView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewName, string masterName, bool useCache)
  ViewEngineResult viewEngineResult = base.FindView(controllerContext, viewName, masterName, useCache);

  if (useCache && viewEngineResult.View == null)
    viewEngineResult = base.FindView(controllerContext, viewName, masterName, false);

  return viewEngineResult;

7 years ago

ierhalim wrote:


Lets start with the Custom View Engine. Can you make sure that you after you insert it, it is at position 0? We also have a Custom View Engine on position 0, so this might be the issue. Just debug the code and see if everything is correct with that.

Looking forward to your reply!

7 years ago

abc_nopdev wrote:

I am using NOP 3.80, Pavilion Theme, Nop Anywhere Sliders.

Is it possible to have the links in the slider to open in a new window?



Unfortunately, this is not possible out of the box. You can, however, suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal and if people vote for it, we will implement it.

Hope this helps!

7 years ago

vwaonline wrote:
It would be great if i could add a target to the image in the slider. For example target _blank to my Google+ page.

Kind Regards,


Hi Niels,

Sorry for the late reply!

Could you please suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal and if people vote for it - we will implement it as soon as possible.

sapphire wrote:

We have a blog that is has two different categories.We want to display only posts from one of the categories on the homepage.... is this possible?

I'm guessing that i can just modify the RichBlog.cshtml file but i couldn't find a property on the model to filter by.


Unfortunately, this is not possible with the current version of the plugin. You can, however, suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal and if people vote for it, we will implement it.

Hope this helps!

8 years ago

rakyuzt wrote:
hi where can i get a trial version of this theme?


Our themes do not have a trial version. Each of the themes has its own demo where you can see how the theme looks like.

Hope this helps!