
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

phkendall wrote:
the issue only occurs when you have checked Preselect Last Customer Billing/Shipping Address. In this case, the call to the GetShippingOptions of the shipping rate plugin contains a new shipping address object with all the field except Id and CreatedOnUtc set to null. They should be set to the values of the pre selected address. See this screenshot of my debug session in Visual Studio:


the first time when the breakpoint hits there will be no information on the shipping address ( this happens when the plugin loads the default values, which are empty fields ). After that, the address will be preselected and the breakpoint will hit the GetShippingOptions method again with the preselected values.

Hope this helps!

8 years ago

mbreton wrote:
When I try to see the product page, I have this: 


Could you please submit a ticket in our ticketing system specifying your product version.

You can find out your product version by going to Administration -> System -> System Information, click the Show button next to Loaded assemblies and search for SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.PrevNextProduct, Version=3.*.***.*****, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

You can try also to update the plugin to the latest version following this article:

Hope this helps!

phkendall wrote:
Hi, we are experiencing this problem too. On initial load of the checkout page, if a returning customer already has an address, then the address data sent to the shipping plugin contains null data for most fields e.g. zip

Have you got a fix for this issue yet?


I don't think there is anything wrong with this. On the initial load, the both addresses - billing & shipping are empty. If the returning customer has an address, the address will be in addresses dropdown from where the customer can select it.

If you have checked the Preselect Last Customer Billing/Shipping Address settings, then after the initial load the addresses will be prepopulated.

Hope this helps!

8 years ago

ornlud wrote:
Hi, I love your products.

I have a question, does Instant Search also search in tabs created with Quick Tabs?
If there is a way to do that, it would be great.



Unfortunately, the Instant Search does not search in the Quick Tabs. If we do it, the plugins will become too dependent one on another which is not right.

Hope this helps!

9 years ago

nopnopgogo! wrote:
The campaign only ignores products which already have an old price different than 0.

I see this functionality as a big problem.  In my case, I show the old price as msrp so that the entire catalog looks more attractive. I then do discounts like normal.
Can you just ignore the old price completely?  Or even better, give us the option to select which price to base the discount off of (old price or price).  Then this can work for a lot more use cases.  The fact that the native discounts of nop are based on price (not old price) does make me look at your implementation (by using the old price as part of the formula) as a bug.  


We agree with Charles: we need an option to set the base price. Thanks


Could you please elaborate more on what you want?

9 years ago

keremdemirer wrote:
So, is it ok if I remove them completely?


Once the resources are inserted into the database, the files are no longer needed. It is safe to delete them.

9 years ago

keremdemirer wrote:
Hello again,

We deploy the app with ms web deploy, with changed files only. We take app offline before deployment app_offline file, but not stop the IIS which is not possible in our setup.



We use the same approach when uploading files on our demo sites and we never had such an issue.

We use the "ConditionsResources.en-us.xml" file to read the resources from it and upload it to the database. Right after we finish with the file, we dispose it so it should not be open after the operation is done. Actually, we do this for a lot of .xml files, there is no reason that the problem will be with this file only. Can you check if the files has the correct permissions ?

Is there a way to find out which process is locking the file? This may be helpful to identify the problem.

Looking forward to your reply!

9 years ago

ehubcap wrote:

I'm implemented this method for my custom themes and plugins CSS and it work perfect. When I activate the Nopcommerce bundling, these files are left "unbundled" which is not desirably.
How can I get these Css files included in the bundling?.
As an aside note, also i want to use Grunt for rewrite a rule to route them to a Blob Storage
any advise on feasibility?
Help please
Thank you
Jose Plunkett


If you want to benefit from the bundling, you need to change a little bit the provided solution.

Change this:

@Html.NopCssFiles(this.Url, ResourceLocation.Head)
    <link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="@Url.Content("~/Themes/DefaultClean/Content/styles.custom.plugins.css")" />
    @Html.NopScripts(this.Url, ResourceLocation.Head)

To be this:

    @Html.NopCssFiles(this.Url, ResourceLocation.Head)
    @Html.NopScripts(this.Url, ResourceLocation.Head)

Hope this helps!

9 years ago

keremdemirer wrote:
It only happens after deployment and disappears after a while. But this issue causing big problems for our continious integration. It delays our applications warm up times about 2-3 minutes.

We got to ressolve this problem.


could you please tell us what are the steps of the deployment? Do you stop your site before the deploy? And do you deploy only the changed files or the whole site? Please provide as much information as you can, so that we can resolve this problem faster.

Looking forward to your reply!

9 years ago

keremdemirer wrote:

We get this error after every deployment,  Do you have a workaround to prevent this?



it seems that the file is locked for some reason. Have you tried the solution from the post above with the restarting of the application?