
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

9 years ago

hanz wrote:
It would be nice to have the ability to disable certain filters for a specific category.

Suppose I have the categories:

Hoem - teamwear - sweaters
Home - women - sweaters

I have products that I want to show up in both categories.

In the first category I want to filter on style (men/women/kids) and on colors
In the second category I don't want to filter on style and only want to see the color filter.

Hi Hanz,

Could you please elaborate more on what you want, because I'm not sure that I understand you correctly. Also, are you talking about Ajax Filters plugin or Ajax Filters Pro.

Looking forward to your reply!

9 years ago

rbeardfinelines wrote:
Seems, at least for the trial version, that Nop Sales Campaign does not work in Nop 3.7 when 'bundled' products have a zero dollar value and inherit their price from the value of the bundled items.

"Product skipped. The discount ammount is more or equal to than the product price."


The product is skipped because the initial product price is 0 and therefore there is nothing to discount from the price.

The product attribute price adjustments are not included in the product price and it is not used by the sales campaigns. Could you please suggest your idea in our User Voice portal, and if people vote for it we will add support for it.



(Not sure if Suggestion promotions are allowed or not.)


You can try also to discount the bundled products instead of the parent one. I think this way you will achieve what you want.

Hope this helps!

9 years ago

rbeardfinelines wrote:
Seems, at least for the trial version, that Nop Sales Campaign does not work in Nop 3.7 when 'bundled' products have a zero dollar value and inherit their price from the value of the bundled items.

"Product skipped. The discount ammount is more or equal to than the product price."


The product is skipped because the initial product price is 0 and therefore there is nothing to discount from the price.

The product attribute price adjustments are not included in the product price and it is not used by the sales campaigns. Could you please suggest your idea in our User Voice portal, and if people vote for it we will add support for it.


9 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Maybe at check box with the option for the customers on guestcheckout to be "real customers" instead of guest!  And with the combination to skip the build in registration page.

Hop it make sens. 

Could you please elaborate more on what you want ? Also, a screenshot will be very helpful.

I think he wants to "checkobx" or smth like this (maybe bellow "terms checkbox". Where client can check "Make order and create account". 

When client check it. He make order and "register" in our shop, and he don't need create account next time. In order form he give us all data what we need to his profile. 

My propositions: 
1. Scenerio: we have free delivery when client cart is greater than 100$, and we want to show him promo tip: When he have 89$. "If you want a free shipment add something greater than 11$"? 

Or "add 11$ to take 5% discount"

You can add this in widget admin panel, where we can choose discounts from created discounts in nopcommerce.

2. Is possible to move "pay in store" to billing address? 

3. Is this plugin support cross selling?


The idea of creating account for the guest customers is really good. We will consider it after the holidays !

1. This is quite specific for your case. You can still achieve it with jQuery I guess. You can check the current "Order total" and if it is < 100 - you can show your message.

2. You can move the "pay in store" below the billing address, but not in it.

3. You can show the cross sell products on checkout page by going to RealOnePageCheckout.cshtml view and uncomment this:

@*<div class="cross-sells">
  @Html.Action("CrossSellProducts", "Product")

P.S. - But keep in mind that deleting product(s) from the cart ( on checkout page ) won't trigger updating the cross sell products.

Hope this helps!

9 years ago

Tebox wrote:
Maybe at check box with the option for the customers on guestcheckout to be "real customers" instead of guest!  And with the combination to skip the build in registration page.

Hop it make sens. 


Could you please elaborate more on what you want ? Also, a screenshot will be very helpful.


9 years ago

David Arnold wrote:
Just upgraded but now get this error - any idea

Did you run the upgrade scripts from 3.60 to 3.70 ? Please read the Theme upgrade.txt file in the Theme upgrade folder for detailed instructions how to upgrade.

Hope this helps!

9 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
It would be nice to have a separate setting to hide the "Estimate Shipping" panel in the OPC page.  For implementations where we still display the default Nop cart page, this is redundant and takes up a lot of valuable real estate.

Hi Bob,

That's really nice idea. Could you please suggest your idea in  our User Voice portal so that other people can vote for it.


9 years ago

iojvan wrote:
Hi, when I set up this plugin and select some widget zone countdown timer show on 4 places no meter what I do.
Is there solution for this issue? I use Nop Smart theme  



Could you please submit a ticket in our ticketing system, providing an admin credentials to your site, so that we can check what could be causing this behavior.


9 years ago

robschoen wrote:
is there a text box anywhere for a customer to add a note when placing their order?


you can use the Checkout attributes for that purpose. You can create a new one by going to Administration -> Catalog -> Attributes -> Checkout attributes. It should be of type - textbox or multiline textbox.

The checkout attributes are visible in Products tab of every order.

Hope this helps!

Forum Link
9 years ago

robschoen wrote:
am I missing a setting in admin for a forum link in either the header or footer?


If you are using the MegaMenu plugin, which comes with the Traction theme, you can enable the Forum link by going to Administration -> Plugins -> Nop Mega Menu -> Settings and from the Mega Menu Items Settings check Include "Forum" link setting.

Also, you need to make sure that the Forums are enabled. You can do this by going to Administration -> Configuration -> Settings -> Forum settings

Hope this helps!