
Profile: Deni


User posts

9 years ago

berecan wrote:
Price range filter not working with [DisableBuyButton] and [CallForPrice] in database. Please can u fix this or told me how fix this.



I have just tested this and it is working fine. 

Maybe the question is what do you expect to see when your product has "Call for price" enabled.

I can suggest you to make all "Call for price" products with price 0.

9 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Hi! i have problem with UE VAT number. 

I have disabled VAT UE in admin panel, but still in nop one page checkout i have VAT field? Where can I disable it?

We use 3.6, but we want in january update it to 3.7... 


The plugin requires to always show the EU VAT field if the country is inside the EU.

The field is not required and you can always hide it with CSS if you need to.

9 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Hi! one short question, is this work on azure?


The Rich Blog plugin works fine on Azure.

9 years ago

porcelanosa wrote:
I'm having problem with multiple anywhere sliders, english version is working fine. when i switch to second language, some of the sliders show only 1 image like they dont have any more. When i check html source, only one image is loaded and rest appear only on script on bottom of the page, every image has its captions, can that be an issue of any kind? Chrome is giving following error: "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL"


This seems like JS error, that is why the sliders are not working.

I suggest you to raise a ticket, so we can check your site and find where is the problem.

9 years ago

Ebrahim wrote:
I have a problem with anywhere slider 3.5.
Niva anywhere slider effects not true work.Just Fade effect work fine.
other effect have a problem.
when change picture, appear new next picture but in small size on left top corner and play effect on it then finish effect time, orginal picture(larg picture) very fast without effect changed.

I had version 3.4 and this version work fine. but version 3.5 not work corectly.
Please help me.
Sorry for my english


We could not reproduce this behaviour. All the animations seems to work fine. 
Please submit a ticket, providing admin credentials to your site, so we can check what is the issue on your site.

Image DPI
9 years ago

msdunham wrote:

Hello - We have noticed that the images used for Nop Anywhere Slider always get changed to 96 dpi after uploading to the site.  The images still look good on a PC, but on a phone or tablet the text in the images are kind of fuzzy.  So, if I upload a=n image that is 320 dpi, it is automatically changed to 96 dpi.

Is there any way to have higher dpi for these images?

Thanks!  Mike


This functionality comes from the nopCommerce code by default and we are not modifying it. We have noticed that the image resizer used in nopCommerce is not the best and we have troubles with it too.
I think you should ask the nopCommerce team if they can improve it.

Niaris wrote:
I was wondering if it is possible to show the images of vendors in "View All" under Nop-MegaMenu just like manufacturers. 

Thanks in advance


We will think about implementing this soon.

Thanks for this suggestion !

9 years ago


I will just write down what we have answered to your ticket, so other customers can see it. Everyone that has any thoughts on this can share his experience!

Here is our answer: 

We have encountered the same problems as you, but unfortunately some things in nopCommerce are not perfect.

For example, the image minification is really bad. I have tried uploading a highly optimized image with size ~40KB and after it was saved in the database by nopCommerce it became 120KB (then Google suggests me to optimize the images of course).

About the render blocking CSS and JS there is a huge discussion in the nopCommerce forum. It is the same for the HTML minification.

About the resources you are fetching from Facebook, I do not think there is something we can do.

I do not know if you are using it, but I suggest you Pingdom

I hope this information helped !

hkreklame wrote:
We have the same problem as stated by OP. We are using 3.6. All other settings for the multistore works. Categories, products etc. Anywhere sliders does not work however. I'm using the same widget position for both sliders, and have limted the sliders to each store.

Ive checked the database, and the StoreLimites seems correct in both the anywhereslider table and the Storelimit table.


I have just checked this and it is working fine.
As I said to the OP, you can submit a ticket and we will take a look at your administration finding what you have missed in the configuration.

bizsol wrote:
Hi Mladen

It's worked perfectly !!! - well done you

really really appreciated your help - support on this issue.

I need and will be upgrading my sites to latest nop versions
so may need a little help if things don't quite work out.

I'm also wanting to create a better and busier home page so if you know of any links to learning docs - resources, please let me know.

Be in touch, 
Thank You so much.

Martyn - Bizsol


If you have any troubles you can always open a ticket and we will give you the best advice.