
Profile: Deni


User posts

9 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Hi Guys! 
today I start thinking about my reminder rule for a "completed order". 

1. I want send 1 email to client 1 month ago after status are changed to "completed". I want to send it always when customer buy something. When he is bought second, third time I want send this message . 

Now i have:
Reminder Rule: Completed order
Number of Messages TO Send Per Customer: 1 
Met Date later 29 days
Met Date Earlier 28 days
Interval 1 minutes. 

I thinking about "number of messages". If customr order in my shop 10 times... is he receive 10 messages from me? 1 to order... or only 1? 

I have little problem with to the understand that :/ i read documentation and examples, but still don't know is this settings are good :/

2. Is this are sending to a guest customers too? or only registered?


1. The plugin will send one message per order - if the customer made 10 orders he will get 10 emails. The emails will not be bundled.

2. The plugin does not send messages to guest customers.

3. Your settings are fine - the customer will receive one message per completed order after 29 days.

I hope this helped !

9 years ago

nonam wrote:

Is there a way to add an additional "Sticky Category" to the Mega Menu? In the settings of the Mega Menu, I know that you can check the option of adding a category as a sticky one but I would like to have 2 sticky categories to my Menu.

Thanks for your help!


To do this you have to modify the MegaMenu.cshtml file.

Right after the code for the sticky category, which is this:

if (Model.StickyCategory != null)
        <li class="sticky-category">
            <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Category", new { SeName = Model.StickyCategory.SeName })" title="@Model.StickyCategory.Name">@Model.StickyCategory.Name</a>

Place your code for your category, following the same mark-up structure.

I hope this helped !

9 years ago

Helger wrote:
The error message is:

There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 1,Token in error = IF ]

Any ideas?


As we have replied to your ticket, this error could be caused by old SQL server or if it is Compact Edition.

9 years ago

nopnopgogo! wrote:

in CheckoutAttributes.cshtml there's a little issue with the title. It's hardcoded in english, and you wrote '@*Don't forget to add dynamic title*@'! :D


Thanks for reporting this.

We have fixed it and will deploy it tomorrow.

9 years ago

IvanSlater wrote:
Hi there!

I have change the default nop blog path from /blog to /articles and everything goes fine, except your _RichBlogCategoriesNavigation.cshtml that uses your BlogByCategory route, poiting to /blog/category path.

Is possible to override this path to use /articles/category instead?

Please help!


Have you tried registering your route pointing to our controller/action, which are "RichBlog", "Category". Then you only need to modify the views.

I think this will do the trick for you.

9 years ago

stuart.miller wrote:
I was upgrading my Nopcommerce store to 3.7. I set up a new site, but I had upgraded my database from 3.20. I purchased the NeoFashion Theme, but I'm having a problem installing the Nop JCarousel Plugin. When I click the Install button, I'm  presented with the following error:

Could not drop object 'SS_JC_JCarousel' because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.

I've searched all the SS_JC_JCarousel tables, and they are all empty. Any help would be appreciated..


This looks like you have not run properly all upgrade scripts. 

Please refer to this article, where you will find a link to all upgrade scripts in the correct order.

9 years ago

Tebox wrote:
Still not working :) the plugin is bundeled with the theme we bought, is that a problem regarding updates?


If you have a theme, then I suggest you to download it again from our site, then delete the old QuickView files from the yourNopInstallation/Plugins/ folder and place the new ones. Also update the Core plugins as well.

If you still have any troubles with that, please raise a ticket providing us admin credentials to your site.

9 years ago

mkzaman wrote:
I am using nopcommerce 3.7 and upgraded themes. When I installed the alfresco theme, and refresh my homepage, it shows the following error message.

then I change the shared/_root.cshtml file to render the section 
    if (isHomePage)

        additionalClass = "master-home-page";
        mainSlider = @Html.Widget("home_page_main_slider");

and it works properly. Do you have any suggestion regarding this so I don't have to change your view files.


If you are upgrading a theme/plugins the proper way to do it is to first delete the old plugin/theme files, then paste the newly downloaded plugin/themes.

Because if you merge the old folders with the new ones, this will not delete any files that have been removed.

I suggest you to download again the latest files of the Alfresco theme, then delete the Alfresco folder from your nop folder/Themes/ and finally place the new Alfresco folder inside.

I hope this helped !

9 years ago

lanctot wrote:
Thanks for the info.
The full Text search is already enabled, but the search mode was set to "Exact match (using CONTAINS ith prefix_term)". I change the mode to "Using CONTAINS and OR with prefix_term".
Do you know how long it takes for the mode change to be applied on the database and working?


-David Barrette


When you enable the setting, it will take effect on the moment. 

I have just tested on my local machine to search by part of word and it was returning the correct results. Even my full-text search was disabled.

For example I have searched for "nch" or "cbo" and the search returned the "Apple MacBook Pro 13-inch" product.

I suggest you to raise a ticket, where you will securely specify your admin credentials, database type and version and your nopCommerce version.

9 years ago

rogerhaugland99 wrote:
It would be very useful if you could include a couple of additional topic templates. 

Right now I need to create a simple two column topic with some description on the left and a nice picture on the right. 

I could use tables, but as I understand it would not be a responsive layout

Any quick fixes?


As the topic templates can vary and we can not know what every customer will expect to have in it, we do not have different templates.

I suggest you to copy the existing one and edit it per your needs. Follow our CSS to achieve the responsive functionality.

I hope this helped !