
Profile: Deni


User posts

9 years ago

Deni wrote:
In add product, it would be good to have an add by Product SKU , similar to the Product admin module where you can jump straight to SKU. This would make it much easier for me to add products. I have many products with similar names so the existing search capability in JCarousel for add product does not suit.


We have planned this and we will integrate it soon.

You can also suggest it in our user voice portal so you can check its progress.

Thanks for your feedback !


We are happy to let you know that we have added "search by SKU" filter in our product mappings popup. It is available in v3.70.

Thanks for your feedback !

9 years ago


We have just checked your site.
We have managed to see the JS error related to the URL formatting when the advanced search is on.

About the conversion of the symbols in the URL - this is a browser feature to handle specific characters.

It looks like the other things are working fine.

We will take a look at the JS error and will let you know.
I do not think it is something to worry about, because it is not breaking any part of your site.

Regards, Deni !

9 years ago

ronenl wrote:
Having problem with the advanced search - which is as described always true specially when searching hebrew language.
 the encodeURIComponent translate the hebrew search term into somthing like this %u05db%u05d9%u05e1%u05d5%u05d9&
 and also gives the following error
 filterSearch?adv=false&cid=0&q=%u05db%u05d9%u05e1%u05d5%u05d9&sid=False&isc=false:170 Uncaught TypeError: 
eventhough my advanced search is set to false - it still open the advance search checkboxes and the toggleadvanced search script in search.chtml is not working.
what should I do to fix this ? 


Please submit a ticket with link to your site, so we can test it and let you know what is the problem.

summerfest wrote:

We've begun receiving a 404 not found error on ProductRibbons RetrieveProductRibbons controller call and none of the ribbons are working anymore. Strangely enough this only occurs in our live version but not in our local or beta version. Even though they're all running the same code. Any ideas?



This error is most probably caused by search engine bots. You can restrict their access for this exact URL as they do not need to access it.

I hope this helped !


Thanks for the suggestion !

We will think about its implementation soon.

For now you can do it with JavaScript. Just make sure the Quick Tabs are not loading with AJAX.
Go to the /Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs/Scripts/ProductTabs.min.js and add this code in its end:

(function ($) {
    $(document).ready(function () {
        setTimeout(function () {
            var productReviewsList = $('.product-review-list');
            var productTabId = productReviewsList.closest('.ui-tabs-panel').attr('id');
            var productReviewsAnchor = $('#quickTabs .ui-tabs-nav > li[aria-controls="' + productTabId + '"]');
            var reviewAnchorText = productReviewsAnchor.find('.ui-tabs-anchor').text() + ' (' + productReviewsList.find('.product-review-item').length + ')';

        }, 500);

I hope this helped !

9 years ago

jkeeler wrote:
I am trying to place a slider before the body of the home page but under the menu.  I have placed the following code in _ColumsTwoHome.chtml directly before the center-2 div class.  However it is not rendering correctly.  I have added a slider to the anywhere slider plugin and placed it in the home page top widget.  Am I missing something?

<div class="hmslider">


Please check these possible problems:

1. Check if the <div class="hmslider"> div is rendered on the page at all. If it is not, then you are not calling your template.

2. Check if the slider is active: either by its Conditions, Scheduling or Store mapping.

3. Check if the slider has any pictures added in it.

I hope this helped !

Theme support
9 years ago

jerrydev wrote:
I am going to buy Ajax fillter plugin but my concern that it is support any theme??
I created one theme my seft then i want to ask this plugin support my theme?


The Ajax Filters plugin is designed to work with any theme.
The point is that if you have modified the Catalog templates, you should add the same ones in the plugin, so it can work properly, as you can read here.
Other thing is that you should use proper widget zone for displaying the filters.

I hope this helped !

9 years ago

Jay wrote:
Is it possible to insert CAPTCHA on the contact us tab? I'm concerned about unconsolidated emails.

Also, can you customize the Contact Us Tab?



We have decided to remove it for two reasons.

First, it is working via JS and we do not think any bot will manage to submit the contact us form. Until now we do not have any complaints about spam via this form.

Second, we are using the nopCommerce default CAPTCHA editor. Unfortunately it is using hard-coded IDs and if it happens to have more than one CAPTCHAs on the page, then both will be broken, which will result in not letting the customer to submit his request.

About the customization of the Quick Tab, you can do it via CSS. If you want to change the mark-up then you should edit this view: /Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs/Views/ProductTab/_ProductContactUs.cshtml.

I hope this helped !

9 years ago

Jay wrote:
By default, the Topic (Page) - 'HomePageText' location is below the slider.

I've noticed that the 'HomePageText' is located as a column near the footer area for the Motion theme.

Is there anyway 'HomePageText' content can be set in the default location without customization?



No, you will have to modify the views of the Motion theme to move the "HomePageText" topic.

9 years ago

roonz wrote:
In add product, it would be good to have an add by Product SKU , similar to the Product admin module where you can jump straight to SKU. This would make it much easier for me to add products. I have many products with similar names so the existing search capability in JCarousel for add product does not suit.


We have planned this and we will integrate it soon.

You can also suggest it in our user voice portal so you can check its progress.

Thanks for your feedback !