
Profile: Deni


User posts

8 years ago

chrisADK wrote:
We have one company Facebook page but are running a multi-store Nopcommerce with 2 stores. Is it possible to have categories and products from both stores in the one facebook shop?

Thanks Chris


It will be possible if you set the setting "Ignore "limit per store" rules (sitewide)" to false. But this will affect all your store.

Another option I can think of is to create a new category, which will be available only in the facebook shop.

I hope this helped !

8 years ago

arueda wrote:
Is possible to add a new button "Add all to cart"? It would be very insteresting because you will be able to add multiple items and quantities at the same time.


I am not sure exactly what you mean and how it should be presented to the customers.

Please explain your ideas in our user voice portal.

That is the place where it will be discussed and voted.

Regards !

jkeeler wrote:
FYI it appears the issue was a chrome ad blocking extension that needed to be disabled.

 "Fair AdBlock (by STANDS)":


This is really strange. We will take a look at how it is working.

Thanks for your feedback !

8 years ago

ernest wrote:
I have added to custom robots.txt

Disallow: /catalog7spikes/getfilteredproducts
. But problems still persists, because other crawlers than Google do not respect it.


We will investigate this further for other crawlers.

Thanks for your feedback !

8 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
Hi All,

Just bought this theme and my site nowhere looks like the demo site, 

there are a lot of settings needs to be done , and documentation is not adequate

Can i have a  demo of admin please ?



Yes, we provide the demo databases, the only thing you need to do is to submit a ticket and we will provide all the demo data you need.

8 years ago


We were taking into consideration the setting "IncludeFeaturedProductsInNormalLists" - that is why you do not see your products. Let me say that it is strange that all products in your category are featured.

We have decided to ignore this setting, so that all products be shown in the Facebook Shop category page. We are going to deploy this functionality in the next few days.

Thanks for your feedback !

8 years ago

Juson wrote:

I want to change date order, from day/month/year to year/month/day.

I've got homepage rich blog date changed by modifying richblog.cshtml, but not blog post page.

<div class="page-body">
        <div class="post-date">

I think above is the source code of blog post page, but I don't get what this means.

What should I do? Could you help? Thanks.




Yes, this is the code showing the date. Just edit the row like this:


I hope this helped !

8 years ago

sdvariations wrote:
I see the option "Click for dropdown" or the option "Include topic" (which is the one i'm interested) but none "Show Topics Body In Dropdown" in 3.20 version

i've seen in the MegaMenu.cshtml this code regarding MegaMenuTopic, I have modified it to get the topic i wanted but i would like to add more topic like this one so i've tried to copy the following code but get an error at the end.

MvcHtmlString megaMenuTopicBlock = Html.Action("TopicBlock", "MegaMenu", new { systemName = "MegaMenuTopic" });
    if (Model.Settings.EnableMegaMenuTopic && !MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(megaMenuTopicBlock))

After the reply of Boyko i tried with the code :

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "topic system name" })">Link Title</a></li>

It works Well But there is no dropdown like the MegaMenuTopic.

Sorry if my previous e-mail wasn't clear and thanks in advance for your help


This setting is not available in 3.20.

You were on the right way when trying to copy the code and use it with your own topic, you just need to use different names. Try this code and for each topic change the "customTopicBlock1" name:

MvcHtmlString customTopicBlock1 = Html.Action("TopicBlock", "MegaMenu", new { systemName = "CUSTOM_TOPIC_NAME" });
if (!MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(customTopicBlock1))

I hope this helped !

8 years ago

sdvariations wrote:
mmmh sorry to bother again.
I would like my topic to have a dropdown like the option MegaMenuTopic.
What would be the code ?


The Mega Menu has a setting "Show Topics Body In Dropdown". Please check it and you will see the topic dropdown.

9 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Hi I add on User Voise suggestion.

Please Vote ;)

"Hi Guys! maybe is possible to add this feature. Example: "Add XXX more to free delivery" support? This should work:

1. We have some discounts like: free delivery, when customer has cart with greater value than 200$, or 15% discount when client spend 300%, etc.

2. Customer is on real one page checkout with 180$ value in cart so he see information: "Add XX$ more to free delivery", or another information with our discounts (we can enable / disable this information on discount page).

What are you thinking about it? :)"


It sounds more like Discount plugin integration, but we will think about it.

Thanks for your suggestion !