We were taking into consideration the setting "IncludeFeaturedProductsInNormalLists" - that is why you do not see your products. Let me say that it is strange that all products in your category are featured.
We have decided to ignore this setting, so that all products be shown in the Facebook Shop category page. We are going to deploy this functionality in the next few days.
Thanks for your feedback !
MvcHtmlString megaMenuTopicBlock = Html.Action("TopicBlock", "MegaMenu", new { systemName = "MegaMenuTopic" });
if (Model.Settings.EnableMegaMenuTopic && !MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(megaMenuTopicBlock))
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "topic system name" })">Link Title</a></li>
MvcHtmlString customTopicBlock1 = Html.Action("TopicBlock", "MegaMenu", new { systemName = "CUSTOM_TOPIC_NAME" });
if (!MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(customTopicBlock1))