
Profile: Deni


User posts

9 years ago

daronettech wrote:
There is way to add another present theme?

i need to be 4 present theme instead of 3.

i put this:

$('<div class="radionButton"><input id="_Preset_New" name="Preset" type="radio" value="New"> <label for="_Preset_New"> New</label></div>').insertAfter( '.theme-color .adminData .radionButton:last' );

on admin.js, this add another radio button but dont save it.


At the moment this is not possible as functionality and you can not achieve it via JS. But you can always change one of the existing color presets to the colors you like. Just go to the \Themes\Tiffany\Content\cssstyles.css file and edit the CSS for the one of the three presets.

9 years ago

BrickHunters wrote:

Thank you for your reply. It is good to have that cleared out.

Now for the difficult part: I have little to no knowledge of programming in the C# language. So far I've been doing great on my own website adjusting CSS files and I got that covered.

Perhaps I would be able to figure something out in these razor files. In which file should I be doing my tests and could you please steer me in the right direction? I am a swift learner :)

Thank you


The correct file which is displaying the Mega Menu is the \Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu\Views\MegaMenu\MegaMenu.cshtml

Inside it you will find this code, which is showing the categories dropdown. As you said, you do not need it, so you can remove it:

if (Model.Settings.EnableCategories)
        if (isMegaMenuResponsive)
            @Html.Action("GetCategoriesResponsive", "MegaMenu", Model.Categories)
            @Html.Action("GetCategories", "MegaMenu", Model.Categories)

On its place you can write your own mark-up, which should follow our menu structure, showing the products you want by hard-coding them. I believe this will also require additional styling, because the menu does not styling for products.

I hope this helped you. Please write if you need any further help!

9 years ago

asas4444 wrote:
I need to add custom fields in ajax cat(dialog box).


We have replied to your ticket already.

You can achieve this by modifying this view: \Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart\Views\NopAjaxCartShoppingCart\ProductAddedToCartPopupDialog.cshtml. The row you should modify is this one:
<strong class="price">@shoppingCartItemModel.UnitPrice</strong>

jkeeler wrote:
When I disable the Mega Menu and shrink my browser, my responsive menu has the following text:


Any ideas?


I suppose that any resource is missing. If you need any further assistance, please submit a ticket in our ticketing system. This way we will have more info for your products version and will be able to provide better support.

jkeeler wrote:
I have been using the Lighthouse theme for over a year and a half.  I think the original theme had used the Mega Menu plugin to handle the responsive menu.  Upon upgrading, it appears the option "Enable responsive menu" is no longer there. So I have to use the megameu plugin to get the responsive menu at all times.  Is this true and if so is there a work around to use the theme menu on desktops and to use the mega menu under 960px?

Also, it appears if I only have 1 slide to display, the plugin does not work.  It is replicating the image 2 times.  Does this plugin need 2 sliders to work properly?

My site is a dev site so it currently is not publicly available - sorry.


1. Yes, the setting "Enable responsive menu" is gone, because it is not necessary anymore. The design of the theme is responsive already and the menu is responsive too. 

2. We have a little "optimization", when there is just one slide, we do not call the whole JavaScript for the slider, but just display the image. I have not seen duplicate images, so when your site is ready, I can take a look why they are replicating. The plugin can work with as many pictures as you want.

9 years ago

Hi blaster30, 

I think you are using old version. Please update your plugin and this issue will disappear. We have fixed it long time ago.

9 years ago

skynopc56 wrote:
Running nop 3.4 with multiple stores. In the shoppingcartbox in the electronic theme if I add an item to the cart in one store, and then go to another store the count on the shoppingcartbox is not store dependent it always add up the total items in cart across all stores.  The built in shopping cart count above this works fine.  Is there a fix to this for the cart box to take into account items in cart for the store you are in?



We have fixed this and it is deployed. Please update your SevenSpikes.Theme.Electronics plugin and everything will work fine.

9 years ago

skynopc56 wrote:
So I maybe should not have said topic.  It is actually the "About Us" link.  I have "Include "About Us" link:" checked for all stores in the config.  However I have a unique about us page for each store.

If I switch from Store A to Store B the link in the mega menu changes fine and it will link to the correct "About Us" page.  However the title (text of the link does not change).  Say my AboutUs page for Store A is called "About Store A" and the AboutUs page for store B is called "About Store B" the text for the link for the "About Us" tab in Mega Menu will always read "About Store A" even if I am in store B (but like I said it does link to Store B page when I click About Store A, it is just the title of the AboutUS page per store that is not pulling).


As I said, please raise a ticket about this issue, because I do not even know which version of nop you are running (I suppose it is v3.40 or below), so I can not help you on 100% here. 

9 years ago

skynopc56 wrote:
In the nop mega menu I have multiple stores all enabled with the about us topic.  When I change stores the about us link does change to the new stores link, however the text of the menu will always remain at whatever the Title for the first store is.

For example if Store 1 About us says  "About Store 1" then you go to store 2 it will also say "About Store 1" but does link to the store 2 about us page I have set up.


The topics are per store. That means that they have only one title. Maybe you have two different topics? I am not sure what is your problem. Please explain further or raise a ticket in our ticketing system providing more information and links to your sites.

9 years ago

deselt wrote:
I using Motion theme. Recently I updated to version 3.5.907.15647
After 3 hours of working website start restarting every 5 minis.
I took me long time figure it out but if I disable Ajax Filter the restart stop.
Antibody experience similar problem? 


I guess you are using shared hosting. If I am right, then most probably the allocated memory for the NOP Application is too small and when you add our plugin you are hitting this limit. So, I suggest you to contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase your app pool memory. Waiting for your reply!