
Profile: Deni


User posts

9 years ago


I know that our demo has not the latest version. We will update it ASAP. But if you download the latest package of the Store Locator plugin I ensure you, that you will have these features.

9 years ago

hayden wrote:
<div id="TA_selfserveprop593" class="TA_selfserveprop">
<ul id="LCh6CdusYLm" class="TA_links Vx69DKk4W03A">
<li id="nv9RQZu1aZRV" class="HYuMmMaP"><a href="

target="> Castle Venlaw Hotel and Restaurant</a> in Peebles</li>
<script src=";uniq=593&amp;locationId=253582&amp;lang=en_UK&amp;rating=true&amp;nreviews=5&amp;writereviewlink=true&amp;popIdx=true&amp;iswide=true"></script>


In your case, you can create your script this way:

<script>// <![CDATA[
(function() {
    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.src = ";uniq=593&amp;locationId=253582&amp;lang=en_UK&amp;rating=true&amp;nreviews=5&amp;writereviewlink=true&amp;popIdx=true&amp;iswide=true";
// ]]></script>

9 years ago

defer wrote:
Still problem with issue from post #8611. Have updated the latest SevenSpikes: Core, Ajax Filters and StoreLocator dll files from suggested post #8707 with no result.

The uploaded image file still gets filename "xxxxx_300" and get cropped to 300px width on the AllShops overview. And "xxxx_400" on the Shop detail page.

All Media Settings in admin is set to 360px and the image I upload is 360px.

What I'm doing wrong here?


After your suggestion, we decided that the Media settings should not be used in the Store Locator plugin. So we made separate settings in the Store Locator plugin. If you are with the latest version of the plugin, you will see in its setting page the two new settings: All Shops Page Image Size and Shop Details Page Image Size.


You can get this menu item back, by going to the MegaMenu.cshtml view and somewhere between the other LIs elements add this code:

@Html.Action("TopicBlock", "MegaMenu", new { systemName = "AboutUs", enableDropDown = !isMegaMenuResponsive })

This will show the About Us topic with a dropdown with its content. I hope this helped!

9 years ago

hayden wrote:
i have a few pages that display a tripadvisor rating/reviews box - it is displayed using a script from tripadvisor that is included on the product details page
- however, when i enable tabs, the review does not display - instead, only a link to tripadvisor is displayed (fyi, it is only the link that is displayed in admin product details page - the review box only appears on the storefront)so i think maybe there is a problem running scripts in the tabs. is there a solution for this ?


The Quick Tabs can execute JS, if it is wrapper in CDATA. When you create a new tab, in the content editor, from its menu, click Tools > Source Code. Place this code for example and you will see that it works:

<p>JavaScript included in the Quick Tabs should be wrapper in CDATA!</p>
<script>// <![CDATA[
alert('JavaScript included in the Quick Tabs should be wrapper in CDATA!');
// ]]></script>

I hope this helped!

9 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Hi again! Now I can show it on my page

Problem is with "mega menu" in mobile version when it "hiding" behind a form search search. This happens when we start scrolls down the page.

I think it's something different, on demo page it's works fine. I download newest version of plugin, but Mega Menu css doesn't change... I copy dll, but this don't help. Maybe now, when you can look for it,  you can me help to fix it?


You need the update the Core plugin. The code about this functionality is placed there. I suggest you whenever you update a plugin, also to update and the core plugin with it. I hope this helped!

9 years ago


This setting was left for cases when you have only one store. But since you have 6, then this setting is not used. The Google map is clever enough to take all the six shop markers and zoom the map to fit all them in. And that is why you do not need zoom level.

9 years ago

Rönning wrote:
Is it not possible to edit the zoom level of the map on the AllShop page?
How would I do that, I tried changing the zoom level set in the javascript file (StoreLocatorAllShops.min) but that didn´t change anything.

Hi, if you are talking about the All Shops page, then you have to go to this file: \Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.StoreLocator\Scripts\StoreLocatorAllShops.min.js and find this: "zoom: 15". Edit it per your taste (maybe 11-12 will be OK).

10 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Hi Guys. I don't found it on forum. I want to create in mega menu list with few topics in it. 

Tree should look like this: 

Mega menu Main Topic: Information 
1a) About Us
1b) FAQ
1c) Contact Us

Is this possible to do? 

I have actually do it on: "Informacje".


If you are using v3.50, in the Mega Menu (\Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu\Views\MegaMenu\MegaMenu.cshtml) file you will find a comment about this: 
#TOPICS IN DROPDOWN: You can comment the code above and uncomment this in order to have all topics in dropdown!

Just follow these instructions and you will have the wanted behaviour.

chrisADK wrote:
Oh great That's how I did it on the custom category and product template pages. Looks like the only way to do it at this point which is unfortunate. Is there any possibility of creating a plugin that can do a proper product configuration page that uses "associated products" for product attributes while properly and logically showing the dynamic price total on category and search pages?
The way is works now suck to inventory and pricing control


You can suggest these features in our User Voice portal, where all customers can vote for them.