radoslavy wrote:Hello guys,
Is there a way that I can show my Jcarousel products in category of my choice ?
Unfortunately, there is no such functionality in the JCarousel plug-in.
Still, there is something that can be done, but it is not highly recommended:
Lets say you use this widget zone: "
Inside the file(check if it is overridden in the theme folder):
Views/Catalog/CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtmlfind this line:
@Html.Widget("categorydetails_top", Model.Id)
and replace it with these:
var categoryIds = new List<int> { 2, 3, 4 }; // Inside the curly brackets you can list all category IDs, comma separated
if (categoryIds.Contains(Model.Id))
@Html.Widget("categorydetails_top", Model.Id)