
Profile: Jhopper


User posts

8 years ago


Every time I upload an image to display for the homepage it is being up scaled.

I have set the richblogsettings.homepageimagesize setting to 380 and the image is being up scaled to 580.

Any ideas?

Thank you

8 years ago

Thank you for the reply.

I did think about this after I had posted,  I guess this plugin just helps promote the items you want to put on sale like you said.

I'll spend some time working out how it will best fit my needs and look at the standard discounts from Nop.

Personally I do think it would be handy to be able to run discounts from the app but that's just me :)


8 years ago


I've been looking at the daily sale plugin and realised that you can't actually apply any discounts to the products you've selected.

Is there a way to do this easily or could this be something to add in a future version of the plugin?

8 years ago


I've created a carousel for my product page and am using the products from same category source.

I was wondering if it's possible to randomize the products that it shows? Currently it shows the same products from the category on every product but would like it to be random if possible.


9 years ago


Is it possible to remove sizes from the filters?

And if not, would you be looking to add this is a new version?

Thank you

9 years ago

Thank you for the reply.

I'll have a play around and see what if I can solve my issues :)

Thanks again!

9 years ago


I'm working on getting my mobile page speed down and a few of the plugins I use are blocking the page from loading.

Is there a way add an async attribute to the script tag or to have them called before the closing body tag instead of calling them in head?

Thank you :)

Thanks a lot for the help got everything sorted now.

And that code worked a treat, will go and check my cache plugin when I have the time but that fixed it for now!

Thanks again!

Thank you for the help.

I'll have a look in our caching but its odd that it works when the page is over 1024 in width.

Where about would I put this code, within the add to cart view? Do I need to put my selectors in obviously?

Okay that should be off now.

Thank you for the help so far :)