
Profile: Peter.Zhekov


User posts

10 years ago

Hi Staeri,

Generally there are different ways you can do this, but it depends mainly by your layout. If you tell me which theme you have used I can be more precise (otherwise I will be guiding you blindly ).
Try with adding the following styles in the 'styles.css' file (you need to find the lines below and just add the bold one styles):

.header-links-wrapper {

So you must find '.header-links-wrapper' and try to set some value for 'max-width' property you are not required to use 65% like the example I have used ...just try. This must give you more space for the links...even if they drop to second line.

10 years ago

Hi DJB88, What you need to do is to open the 'Product Box' view (which you can find in: "~Views\Shared\_ProductBox.cshtml") and in the markup just change the description model with the title model (in the following code replace the bold text with the one below that is bold and italic):

<div class="description-wrapper">
            <a class="description" href="@Url.RouteUrl("Product", new { SeName = Model.SeName })">


10 years ago

Can you provide me some print screen please?  

10 years ago

Hi there,

Everything is already fixed. Thanks for your report!

10 years ago

Thanks again for the reports.
Everything you have noticed is already fixed, except the iPad one, but I will test it tomorrow and if there is problem I will fix it then.
About the mobile menu colors - there is no changes in the mobile menu by design.

10 years ago

Hi Bellgate,

You can simply add unique class name to every element you want in this view.

<div class="footer-middle">
        <div class="footlist list-1">
            <h3 class="title">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.LegalInformation")</h3>
                <li class="unique-class-name-1"><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("privacyinfo") })">@T("PrivacyNotice")</a></li>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("conditionsofUse") })">@T("ConditionsOfUse")</a></li>

The code above shows how easy this is. Look for bold text in the markup. Where you want to have your own class name to select the element just add it like this:
into the element opening tag "<li>" add "class = className" ==> <li class="classname">.
Then it`s easy to remove whatever you want via "Custom Head Styles".  

10 years ago

Hi Violabg,

Everything is fixed already and will be uploaded later today. Thanks for your report.

10 years ago

Hi Bellgate,

You need to go in "Admin/yourTheme/Settings" and there you will find "Custom Head Styles". There you can write your custom css code to manage your footer.
For example if you want to remove the whole footer block you must write:
Then press save button which is in right top corner of the page.

If you want to remove just middle section for example:

So whatever you do not want to show in your site, just go to "Custom Head Styles" in your theme administration and add your custom styles.

10 years ago

Hi Bellgate,

Thanks for your report! I`m working over it and within an hour I will finish with the fix and later we will upload the latest changes.  

10 years ago

Thanks for your feedback! We solved the problem and we will upload it later on the demo.