
Profile: Peter.Zhekov


User posts

9 years ago

Hi there,

This is what you need to do (I will explany the best I can ):

Go to '~Themes\Allure\Content\css\980.css', and open the file '980.css'. Then you need to add this line of code in the very bottom of the code:



This must be enough for separate the logo and search from the menu and to have more space for the menu elements. Finally make sure you save the changes and that is it.

9 years ago

Hi there,
The problem comes from the width of the third  payment method. Actually all of the methods must be images with same width, otherwise you must set different width to every single element. In your case first two elements are OK because of the same width they have.
To fix the problem for the third element you need to add this code in the 'styles.css' file(please find the code below and add just the bold one text):
.accepted-payment-methods .method3 {
    background-position: -118px 0;
    width: 110px;}

I notice that in your payment method image sprite you have 2 more images. You can show all  of it by adding 2 more list items in the 'footer' view and then by using the 'background-position' CSS property just set the background images from the 'payment-icons' sprite.  

Hi there,

I believe you talk about the image in the "quickTabs" plugin.
If this is what you want to do, just when you add your image just set your dimensions and make sure you are checked the 'constant proportions' setting.
If there is something else to be done please write back soon.

Nav Bar
10 years ago

Hi there,

This is what you must do:

Find this code in the "Header.cshtml" file:

<div class="desktop-header-right">
                <div class="search-box">
                    @Html.Action("SearchBox", "Catalog")
                <div class="desktop-cart">
                    <div class="shopping-cart-link">
                        <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ShoppingCart")">@T("ShoppingCart")</a>
                        @Html.Action("FlyoutShoppingCart", "ShoppingCart")

...and just replace it inside the '<div class="header-centering">' element. Then in the css file '980.css'('Themes/Allure/Content/CSS/980.css') you can add your styles for the element you have just replaced:
.desktop-header-right {
    float: left;/*if you like to stay in right side just live it like it is*/

Finally you might need to add some styles for "flyout-cart" element.

10 years ago

You can leave it like that if there is no problem.

10 years ago

Hi there,

as I understand you want to add some image for background on the homepage topic or category page topic. For that purpose you need to add it like CSS in the 'styles.css' file.The following lines is just an example how you can do it.

.topic-html-content {
    background: url("") repeat scroll center bottom rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
    margin-bottom: 20px;

The'.topic-html-content' is the element in the markup where we want to set this background (in this case this is a random image taken from the web). You use your image just instead of this url that I am using you will write your image name and the correct path to it. The right way to set to your image size is by using the css property "background-size:" and you better check how this works(see the link below...actually there is pretty much everything you need to know about setting a background image).

10 years ago

Hi there,
I saw the issue you have talk about to our demo, but can`t see it locally...and my locally version is the latest one I believe.

Actually we do not expect this type of customer behavior (changing the browser view port from 1920 to 360 pixels and back for example).    
I will compare both version and see where the problem is. Then I will let you know what to do.

10 years ago

Hi there,
We reproduce the issue but in the next moment, the issue was no longer there. Have you done any changes in the .css or .js( javascript )  files for example?

10 years ago

Hi there,

I think we already solved this issues and the last version is uploaded now, so you can update your theme. Probably the demo site is not updated but we will do that as soon as possible.

10 years ago

Hi there,

Thanks for this report, we will do the fixes and update the themes as soon as possible. You can fix it for yourself if you add the following styles:
Remove the line max-height:44px; from the styles below which you can find in "ShopAll\Content\css\styles.css".
.item-box .product-title,
    .item-box .title {
        overflow: hidden;
        /*max-height: 44px;*/
Then in 'ShopAll\Content\css\480.css'
add the following styles in the end of the '/* CATEGORY PAGE & GRIDS */' section of the document:

.sub-category-grid .title a{