
Profile: Boyko


User posts

Hi Omkar,

Please also note that if you are using older versions of nopCommerce i.e 3.80 and below you need to add this in the Application_Start() method in the Global.asax file.

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

Please let me know if this helps!

[email protected] wrote:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: UNSUPPORTED_CLIENT: TLS 1.0 has been disabled in this organization. Please use TLS 1.1 or higher when connecting to Salesforce using https.

Hi Omkar,

By a quick google search I found that other users have had the same error.
Please refer to this article.

Hope this helps!

Trial license
8 years ago

ftagliento wrote:
is possible to download trial release of "Nop Electronics Responsive Theme" ?
If yes, how ?


Hi ftagliento,

Unfortunately we are not able to provide trials for our themes but we can create a private theme demo where you will have access to the administration and be able to upload your own products to see how the theme will look like with your products. If you are interested in a private demo please send an email to sales at or use the Contact Us form and we will provide more details and prices about the private demos.

Plugin Help
8 years ago

TomB wrote:
Hi Guys,

Happy 2017 to all :)

I am currently rebuilding our company e-commerce site using pavilion and trying to re-create the home page similar to the demo version however have trouble with the BESTSELLERS and BLOG section near the bottom of the page.

Please see pic here

1) Please can you let me know what plugins is used to create the BESTSELLERS SECTION
2) Please can you let me know what plugin is used to create the Blog section

Lastly how do i go about having them next to one another in 2 (columns like on the demo)

Thanks in advance.


Hi Tom,

The bestseller in the Pavilion theme are the normal bestsellers that you have in nopCommerce (no additional plugin provides this functionality) but we just show them in a carousel via some javascript code that is specific for the Pavilion theme only. Please note that you need to have some orders in order to have some best selling products.

The Blog section is provided with the Rich Blog plugin that comes with the Pavilion theme and you just need to add some blog posts.

If you want you can request the demo database and see how everything is configured on the demo.
Please submit a ticket and we will provide you with the demo database.

8 years ago

monishrafi wrote:
Dear Team,

Im trying to update jcarousel new update thats updated with some new features but after updation of core plugin and jcarousel folder also slide boxes are coming in shrink way i.e coming with half of the width

nopcommerce version 3.8 / theme motion

please help that how to figure out the that where is the issue

Hi monishrafi,

Did you update the Motion theme plugin?
It is required since some of the JCarousel settings are specific for the theme and they are in the Settings.xml file of the Motion theme plugin.

Please update the Motion theme plugin as well and see it will make any difference.

Also please make sure you clear your browser's cache since the old styling need to be updated with the new one.

8 years ago

chrismon wrote:
Sorry if I'm just not seeing it, but is there a page or a post that I can monitor to see what is fixed/changed from release build to build of the Pavilion theme and/or related plugins?

Hi chrismon,

We are working on a page where you will be able to see all the changes for a given product and all the related products i.e if you choose a theme you will also see the changes for all the plugins in that theme. Unfortunately it is not ready yet.

8 years ago

varghesep wrote:
I fixed this problem by adding the following to the web.config:

        <assemblyIdentity name="AutoMapper" publicKeyToken="be96cd2c38ef1005" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

I have found out that the Pavilion template does not work with the nopCommerce 3.9 version.

Hi varghesep,

Please note that since nopCommerce 3.90 is not officially released then we can't provide compatible version of our products with it. The nopCommerce 3.90 is still work in progress and it changes everyday and it is not possible for us to upgrade all our product everyday.
The current official version of nopCommerce is 3.80 and we can guarantee you that all our products that we provide for nopCommerce 3.80 will work with it but we can't guarantee that they will work with 3.90 (work in progress) until nopCommerce 3.90 is not officially released and we upgrade and test all our products with it and provide 3.90 compatible version of them.

Hope this information is useful!

8 years ago

prateek.shah wrote:

I am trying to download the theme but its giving me same old zip file which has the same file with no changes; Could it be because my license is expired?

If so, please share the changes here so that I can incorporate them manually.


Hi prateek.shah,

Yes, that is definitely the reason since once your license expires you no longer get updates for the product. Please contact our sales department - sales at for renewal options.

8 years ago

IvanSlater wrote:
When your reminder plugin loads a messagetemplate and apply all tokens, it calls the event publisher service?

_eventPublisher.MessageTokensAdded(messageTemplate, tokens);


Im subscribing this event to add some custom tokens but it is not working.

Can you check your code?



I just checked and we don't do this.
Which version of nopCommerce do you use so that we can add it?

chrisADK wrote:

Should I reply back to the email with the log/PW info since I can't create a ticket?

Thanks Chris

Hi Chris,

You should renew your license if it has expired in order to get free support and be able to submit tickets. Once you submit a ticket and provide the login credentials we will be able to investigate what could be wrong.