
Profile: Boyko


User posts

2 years ago

Ladd Nichols wrote:
Anywhere Sliders plugin 4.5 is generating database error:

Short message Invalid column name 'PauseOnHover'.
Full message Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'PauseOnHover'.
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.<>c.<ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync>b__207_0(Task`1 result)

It seems that the nop-templates db upgrade scripts are having issues.

Is anyone else aware of this or experiencing problems? Awaiting resolution to upgrade system

Hi Ladd,

Please see my reply here.

Ladd Nichols wrote:
Anywhere Sliders plugin 4.5 is generating database error:

Short message Invalid column name 'PauseOnHover'.
Full message Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'PauseOnHover'.
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.<>c.<ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync>b__207_0(Task`1 result)

It seems that the nop-templates db upgrade scripts are having issues.

Is anyone else aware of this or experiencing problems? Awaiting resolution to upgrade system

Hi Ladd,

This column is added by a db migration in the plugin. I guess you have not properly upgraded to 4.5.
You are either using an already upgraded version of the plugins.json file or you are using another database where the migration has not been applied.

It is very important to have the old version of the plugin in the plugins.json file so that nopCommerce knows that it needs to run the migration of the plugin.
In other words if you have upgraded and your plugins.json file has been updated to the latest version of the plugins and then you switch to another database then the upgrade migrations will no longer be executed and the plugins won't work on the new database.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

azzam223 wrote:
MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Nop.Web.Factories.CatalogModelFactory..ctor ...

Please do not modify the constructor but resolve any dependencies directly or use Property injection instead as described here.


I guess you are missing some files or maybe the versions of the plugins and the Core plugin are different.
Please make sure you have the Core plugin as well all other plugins having the same version.
Simply download the product package from our website and update them.

3 years ago

danjou wrote:
Ho, I would also like to add the go-to top button, can you tell me which CSS file I need to update?

Hi danjou,

Simply search for "goToTop" in the css files inside the theme's Content/css folder and you will find it.

randd wrote:
I'm giving access to a client to customize their store with the various plugins. However, they cannot be given administration usertype access. Is there a way to grant them the ability to see and interact with the Nop-Templates admin menu without granting them administration rights?

Hi randd,

Yes, it is possible to grant access to your client to our plugins only without them being in the administrator role.
Simply create a new role, and of course add your client in that role and then grant the role access to any of the plugin from the Plugin Access Control menu (it is a submenu of the Nop-Templates menu on the left side navigation).

deepSpace wrote:

Do you have support case when a buy theme ( which has Single Domain License($249) and want convert to Multiple Domain Licence($448). In that case will a need pay only diff ($448 - $249 = 199$) or full price $448?  

Hi deepSpace,

For any sales related questions please contact us via email.

3 years ago

TimW wrote:
Hi! Is there a paid option for the SevenSpikes plugins that is open source?
Were really interested in some of the themes, but our company asks that we obtain a open source copy of the assemblies to include with our codebase.
Tried reaching out to [email protected], but no luck!
Any insight would be very appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Hi TimW,

Please check your email as we replied to you!

3 years ago

dursunkarabatak wrote:

Hi Boyko,
_CurrentPageClass.cshtml view Up-to-date.

There are no problems with the theme and plugin.
This plugin(HelpDesk) does not work with the Emporium Theme. Is this true?

Can you please help me. How can I integrate it into mobile navigation? Is there a way, can you show me? It doesn't make any sense that way.

Desktop View >
Mobile View >



The plugin does not have a specific styling for the Emporium theme but otherwise it should work with it.

Please check if you have this file in the HelpDesk plugin (if you update the plugin you should have it):

3 years ago

dursunkarabatak wrote:
We are using the Help Desk plugin version SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.HelpDesk, Version=4.3.579.33586. Emporium theme installed. Our problem is: In the desktop view, there are ticket and ticket options in the left menu. But there are no ticket and ticket options in the mobile view.

Desktop View >
Mobile View >

Hi dursunkarabatak,

Please update the HelpDesk plugin + _CurrentPageClass.cshtml file in the Shared folder of the Emporium theme. The menus should be available now in the mobile navigation.

p.s: Please note that the HelpDesk plugin is not styled specifically for the Emporium theme so it will get the default styling for DefaultClean theme.