
Profile: Boyko


User posts

8 years ago

ehubcap wrote:
Hi Support, I have my static content served from Azureedge endpoints, staging site is running fine however when I try to upload images it didn't execute as expected
So far I tried to upload:
 A PDF log image out PDF  setting => not working
 A company logo from Traction Theme setting => not working
 A product image for a new created product => not working
My whole site is running on https protocol
Can I get help figuring out what the issue is?
Thank you

Hi ehubcap,

I just checked your website and it looks like you have an image for the Logo.
Did you manage to resolve this issue or you have made some workaround?
If you have solved this please share what the problem was in case other users have the same problem with Azure.


kev83 wrote:
We created a custom CatalogController which returns a specific custom model. This works fine, until we try to use Nop Ajax Filters, because an incorrect model is returned by getFilteredProducts. 

Any thoughts on how I can solve this, or work around it? Or is what I am trying to do totally illegal?

Hi kev83,

What you are trying to do doesn't seem right to me.
All you need to do is to hook after the GetFilteredProducts method is called and add something to the model, right?
In that case you just need to use an ActionFilter that will modify the model after the action GetFilteredProducts is executed.
Please note that there are templates in the Ajax Filters plugin that expect exactly the same model that the GetFilteredProducts action returns. You can refer to this article about the templates used by the Ajax Filters.

I hope this helps!

p.s: About the error you get: It is strange as the Ajax Filters are built with all the .dlls available in the official version of nopCommerce 3.7.

8 years ago

gavinramm wrote:
Getting the following error on the backend, the ajax cart isn't working at all.


Short message:  Unexpected "if" keyword after "@" character. Once inside code, you do not need to prefix constructs like "if" with "@".
The details for the log entry.Full message:  System.Web.HttpParseException (0x80004005):

Hi gavinramm,

By looking at the error it looks like the Razor view for the Ajax Cart buttons can't be parsed.
The only reason this could happen is if you have modified the AddProductToCartAjaxButton.cshtml file and now it can't be compiled. Please revert any changes you have made to this file and you will no longer have these errors.

Damir wrote:

Nothing yet I suppose?

Hi Damir,

As Milen said we were about to release this functionality on our website last week.
But we had to postpone it a little bit to make some changes/improvements before announcing it.
This is one of the most requested features from our customers so I can assure you that we are working on it and will let you know as soon as we launch it. 

8 years ago

markus507 wrote:
how can I remove the "/ per unit" string in the Ajax Cart? Thank you Markus

Hi Markus,

In this file:

Find this code and delete it:


Hope this helps!

deselt wrote:
We just update on latest version 3.7.428.19570 and it not show category name on home page categories with hover effect.

You have asked the same question here.
Please do not duplicate topics.

8 years ago

deselt wrote:
I run our webiste in PageSpeed inside and it show the flowing suggestion.
Consider Fixing:
Size content to viewport
The page content is too wide for the viewport, forcing the user to scroll horizontally. Size the page content to the viewport to provide a better user experience.
The page content is 376 CSS pixels wide, but the viewport is only 375 CSS pixels wide. The following elements fall outside the viewport:
The element <div class="title">Featured Categories</div> falls outside the viewport.

Hi deselt,

We have amended the styling to correct these warnings.
Please update the Brooklyn theme as explained in this article to get the updated css styles.

Thank you again for reporting this!


8 years ago

sdvariations wrote:
Hi, I work in Nop3.20
i would like to add another topic page in mega menu than the one already present. When i tried to modify the code i get an error message. when re-loading my website.

Please can you advice what code i must insert to add another topic page in Mega menu.

Hi sdvariations,

Adding a topic is quite simple. In the MegaMenu.cshtml you already have a topic link i.e About Us. So adding a new one should be pretty much the same code but with the system name of the new topic. Here is the code that you need to add:

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "topic system name" })">Link Title</a></li>

Hope this helps!

8 years ago

Juson wrote:

When I share a product from facebook store, I get 'Store name. Log in, store information' on my timeline with store logo image.

Fortunately I can see the product info by clicking it.

I think it is supposed to be a summary of product information with book image on timeline, not login something.

Facebook Login already tried.

Facebook store:

Am I missing something?

Thanks & Regards


Hi Juson,

I am not able to reproduce this on our demo stores.

I can see the Login word in your store since I don't understand anything else into your language :) So I believe there is something wrong but since I can't reproduce this on our demo stores (we have 21 facebook shops for each demo) I really don't know what could be wrong.
Everything seems fine on our demo store:

Have you made any modifications either to the facebook plugin views or the nopCommerce code?

9 years ago

guclu wrote:
Is this property added to Jcrousel?

No, it is not. We plan to change this JCarousel that will rotate Product Boxes and then both plugins will work with the carousels.