
Profile: cheerfulcalf


User posts

10 years ago

When writing reviews on product page get an error and a log:
The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'productPageId' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult RetrieveProductRibbons(Int32, Int32[])' in 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.ProductRibbons.Controllers.ProductRibbonsController'. An optional parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as an optional parameter. Parameter name: parameters

version 3.30, no errors when ribbons aren't activated


How to make a copy of original theme and to have both copy and original at the same time? I want to keep your nice original theme, but I also want to have it modified and let customers selects which one they prefer. So I've made a copy of Lighthouse folder in Themes, renamed it to MyLighthouse and also renamed it in theme.config file.
Now I see both Lighthouse and MyLighthouse in admin General settings and on front-end. However, when I select MyLighthouse - all resources (css, etc.) still goes from "/Themes/Lighthouse/Content/...".
You can see it here

So what and where should I change else?

Thank you in advance for your quick answer ;-)

Version 3.3
10 years ago

You don't include all plugins in that theme? I mean (new attachments, html and old customer reminders)?

Version 3.3
10 years ago

Will you release upgrade for nopCommerce 3.30 ? When, if yes? :)

10 years ago

I use VPS for hosting with i7 3.40GHz and 16.0GB RAM...

10 years ago

You mean to uninstall nopAccelerate? I am afraid it wouldn't be a solution, cause without it takes about 5 seconds to load category pages..

10 years ago

Great job! Thank you :)

One more thing, images are okay now, but flying from bottom descriptions on mouse over are not going until top (compare your theme here and here Could you please take a look and suggest something?

10 years ago

Should it work with that plugin
Because on my site images and css is nor working (not works in IE and Chrome, but works in Firefox). Do you know anything about this compatibility issue?

10 years ago

It was in Themes\Lighthouse\Views\Catalog\ProductTemplate.Grouped.cshtml

@Html.Widget("productdetails_before_collateral") and <div class="product-collateral">

11 years ago

Hello everyone!

Is it possible to display Quick Tabs after (below) all of related product in grouped product template? And what and in which view should I change?

Thank you.