
Profile: chrisADK


User posts

9 years ago

OK uninstalled and even remove the plug in folder. Still getting the error when generating scripts.
This is the report it gives.

Preparing dbo.ProductLoadAllPagegNopAjaxFilters


Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.PropertyCannotBeRetrievedException: Property TextHeader is not available for StoredProcedure '[dbo].[ProductLoadAllPagegNopAjaxFilters]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights. The text is encrypted. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlScriptPublish.GeneratePublishPage.worker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)

Thanks Chris

9 years ago

OH OK thanks.
Is this the case for all the NOP-Templates plugins?
Will uninstalling it lose any of the configuration settings I did or will they still be in the database?


9 years ago

In process of making a copy of our database on the development server in preparation copying to the live site.
Getting this error when running the generate scripts function in SQL Server Management Studio.

Any idea on how to resolve this?
Here is a screen shot.

Thanks Chris

Excellent that worked thanks. Is there anyway to make this work with a multi-store site? So that the link is different on each site? Basically need to have a link that points to the other store for both sites.
Like maybe can I put the link in the Motion themes custom CSS per store maybe? Tried but could not figure out the right syntax to use or it does not work.

Thanks Chris

I need to add a link to another store on the right hand side of the the mega menu. Don't really understand the synthax for cshtml so not sure where in the MegaMenu.cshtml file I should put this.
This is the format I need the link to be.
<a href="" target="_blank">Store1</a>

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Chris

Deni wrote:

Please clarify about which Manufacturer search you are talking about. On which page is it? Give me a hint :)
HI, Oh Sorry. :)  When you click on the manufacturer page that shows them all and then click on the individual manufacturer and it lists all their products. Need to hide the add to cart/price there. Ideally it would be cool if that could be done per manufacturer.
Thanks Chris

Deni wrote:

In the code will be really difficult to hide the price or/and the add to cart button. But, you can easily do that via CSS. Just add this code in your theme Custom Head Styles setting:

.instant-search-item .detail .price,
.search-page .item-box .add-info {
  display: none;

It seems the manufacturers search also needs to be edited to hide the price on these grouped products. What is the custom CSS for doing this? The one above worked great for instant search.

Thanks Chris

Oh great That's how I did it on the custom category and product template pages. Looks like the only way to do it at this point which is unfortunate. Is there any possibility of creating a plugin that can do a proper product configuration page that uses "associated products" for product attributes while properly and logically showing the dynamic price total on category and search pages?
The way is works now suck to inventory and pricing control

Asking here since I never seem to get any answers in nopcommerce' forums. Our site in development has a computer configurator that uses products attributes associated to products. Because of the limitations (bug IMHO) on how nopcommerce deals with dynamic pricing we had to make a custom Simple Product and Category template that hides the price and add to cart fields on the product categories page. This was because it was not showing dynamic price total. This was the easiest work around we found until/if Nopcommerce gets around to properly implementing grouped products and dynamic pricing. Is there a way to have instant search perhaps have the option to hide price and add to cart in the search auto complete and search results? If not is there a way to hide the price and add to cart on the search results page at least? here is a picture of how it looks now.
Thanks Chris