
Profile: dacostadesigns


User posts

10 years ago

I guess I can change the default to the info email, and direct all the orders to the sales email from the message templates page.

10 years ago

What I am looking for is ORDERS are sent to the saved "default" email, and customers sending in an INQUIRY to the "conact us" feature go to another email. Is that possible?

10 years ago

Hi, The Contact Us form send an email to the default email, how can I re-direct it to another saved email.
Thanks Dan

10 years ago

Thanks, that was exactly what I needed! Now, a follow up question... I think I may have deleted a couple of the topic pages referenced to a couple of the "Information" titles. How do I re-link them or create a new topic page for them to link to? For example; the "conditions of Use" is now a dead link and there is no activity when selected. I appreciate your help! Thanks Dan

10 years ago

Hi, Where can I modify/change the titles of the options built into the "information" choices in the footer section. For example, I would like to change "Privacy Notice" to About-Us... (Please keep it simple if possible, I am novice)

Thanks Dan