Nevermind on that last one. Error is on my end.
Styling for input[type="email"] and input[type="tel"] needed to be added for 480.css and styles.css
Email entry text box doesn't render the same as the password text box without it.
On the 4.0 Pavilion theme, the _Header.cshtml file in the Shared views folder has a mistype that causes rendering issues:
Should be "two-columns-area-left" and "two-columns-area-right". Downloaded file has it as "two-colums-area-left" and "two-colums-area-right".
When on a Category page, there is a Subcategories filter that doesn't have the option to collapse. Is it possible to enable the ability for this filter to collapse like the rest?
That still creates a problem. When you navigate to a category page, the "Categories" specification is listed and the category tree is listed as well.
We have attributes that we are filtering on that we want to provide our own sort order for. For example, check out:
There are lots of different ways manufacturers define "Size", and the order of the sizes doesn't make sense to a browsing customer.
How can we affect how filter options are sorted?
The only problem with that is now there are two Manufacturer filters - the "manufacturer" specification attribute results in redundant manufacturer filters when in a category.
We have manufacturers that provide a wide variety of products. Is it possible to add a filter for a category or multiple categories of products for a specific manufacturer?
When you go to a category page, there is a "subcategories" filter. It would be great to have something similar on the Manufacturer page.
When zoomed, it seems like it would be really intuitive if it swiped to the next image on touch devices instead of forcing the user to click the left or right arrow.
Nevermind! I figured it out.
For those like me who aren't smart enough to see the text file in the folder containing the .bak, it's:
Email:[email protected]