
Sort Filter Options

7 years ago
#14302 Quote
  • 11
We have attributes that we are filtering on that we want to provide our own sort order for. For example, check out:

There are lots of different ways manufacturers define "Size", and the order of the sizes doesn't make sense to a browsing customer.

How can we affect how filter options are sorted?
7 years ago
#14303 Quote
  • 283

You can sort the filter panels and filter options by Display Order.

To change the display order of the specification attributes go to Catalog -> Attributes -> Specification Attributes. On that page, you will find the display order of the specification filter panels. If you want to change the display order of the specification options click Edit and go to the Options tab.

The Product Attributes display order in on the product edit page. Please note you should edit all products that are using specific attribute.

For example, if you have 2 products with Size attribute you should edit the display order of the attribute on both of the products.
Best Regards,
Stoyan Dobrev