
Profile: IvanStoyanov


User posts

12 years ago

kamyarp wrote:
Is RTL Theme ready ? If not when is it ready ?

Please inform me about that . thanks..

Hi kamyarp,

All of our themes now support RTL. Please read the following release notes for more information.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

teck81 wrote:

I just downloaded the trial version of Ajax cart and I would like to test the Ajax navigation component only. We made extensive modifications on NC source files and we do not plan to use the "popup" window function of this plugin to add items to cart.
In fact, we would like to take advantage of the AJAX paging feature only. Is that possible?


Hi teck81,

The Ajax Cart plugin do not have a paging feature. You may be referring to the Ajax Filters plugin. When you make a filtration, change the view mode, sort or the number of displayed items, the pager will load the page content by Ajax.
NOTE: At the moment the Ajax Filters plugin work only on category pages.

If you had something else in mind, can you explain it to us more descriptively.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

cooperchen wrote:
I go to All Settings make shopallthemepluginintegrationsettings.integratenopajaxcart > True, Nop Ajax Cart can work, but Nop Shop All Theme > settings still not see Integration of Nop Ajax Cart.

and in this way, Nop Ajax Cart will brought error of different good. the meaning that buy no.1 will give me no.2.

Hi cooperchen,

What version of nopCommerce are you using?
The Ajax Cart plugin now is integrated by widget, so there is no need for the setting that you are trying to add.
Please update you theme and plugins (you can do this by reading the following article ).
After that go to the Settings of your Ajax Cart plugin and make sure that the Enable Nop Ajax Cart setting is checked.

Ivan Stoyanov

milo wrote:
Hi Ivan,

Can you specify the changes in code or only the name of the files which are modified?
This would help me alot because I currently have a lot of changes in CSS and views and I don't have any merge tool (currently working in notepad :-) )


We changed Themes/Fashion/Views/Customer/Login.cshtml

Best wishes.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

Maxine_K83 wrote:
Hello All,

We have just installed and activated the Categories Header Menu for our site, however how do you then get rid of the Nop Commerce Header menu that the site comes with so it look like the example you give in the Demo?

Many thanks

Hi Maxine_K83,

In order to hide the default header menu you can add the following code to the .css file of the Categories Header Menu or your theme
.header-menu {
    display: none;

We already added the code to the Categories Header Menu plugin, so you can just download the package again from our website, delete the CategoriesHeaderMenu folder from the Plugins folder in your nopCommerce website and then extract the CategoriesHeaderMenu folder from the package to the Plugins folder in your nopCommerce website.

Ivan Stoyanov

milo wrote:

I'm working on a upgrade to 2.7 with the fashion theme.
If a guest wants to check-out and registrers the users is redirected to the homepage instead of the check-out page.

This is issue should be resolved in standard nopCommerce 2.7 (i checked it works with the default theme). There is ReturnUrl specified in the Fashion but doesn't work.
I noticed that the url's are different, maybe this helps.

standard nopC:     /login/checkoutasguest?returnUrl=%2Fcart
fashion theme:      /login?ReturnUrl=%2fcart

Note: I dont use the one-page checkout.

Please give me a solution and fix this in the next release.

Hi milo,

Thank you for reporting this problem. We implemented the fix to the Fashion theme.

You can download the package, replace the Fashion folder that is located in the Themes folder with the Fashion folder located in the package and you are good to go.

NOTE: If you have done any modifications to the theme, you need to merge your modifications to the Fashion folder in the package before replacing.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

Maxine_K83 wrote:
Also, another point, if you have to tick "Show in Home Page" for it to appear in the header, how do you then combat the fact you don't want the categories in boxes on the homepage further down? Again they are not like this in the Demo version you show.

Hi Maxine_K83,

To remove the categories, that are shown on the Home page, you need to go to the Views/Home/ folder and open the Index.cshtml view. Find the following code and delete it

@Html.Action("HomepageCategories", "Catalog")
        <div class="clear">

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

atzmonca wrote:
great that work fine
and how can i change the word "setting" per language in the menu?

Hi atzmonca,

You can not change the word setting in the menu. It is not localizable at the moment.

You can suggest this in our user voice portal.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

milo wrote:
I encounter the same issue in fashion theme 2.7.
It was easily fixed, but please correct this in future versions if not already done so.

Hi milo,

We have already done this for 2.7 and 2.8 versions of nopCommerce.

Ivan Stoyanov

IvanStoyanov wrote:
Thanks! That got it working!

Is there a newsletter or something I can subscribe to so I can hear about all the latest updates?

Hi RoyalAquariums,

I am glad that everything is working.

By default you are subscribed to the newsletters.

We announce the updates in the releases section. You can see it in the header, next to the documentation link. We are just about to release the news about the widget support of the Ajax Cart plugin.

Ivan Stoyanov