sadecechvy wrote:Hi,
I have nop 2.60 installed and have the same error. Whenever I put the plugin folders in the /Plugins folder, I get this error. I have tried so many solutions or workaround you mentioned before but I can't get rid off this error.
I followed the instructions in the link (
and I tried copying SevenSpikes.Nop.Core.dll, SevenSpikes.Nop.Framework.dll, SevenSpikes.Nop.Services.dll into the "SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.CategoriesHeaderMenu" folder (this folder throws exception as others do)
Can you suggest me another solution ?
Hi sadecechvy,
First delete all folders that begin with
SevenSpikes from your plugins folder.
After that go to our website and download the package, extract it in the
Plugins folder if your website is live or you are using the (no source code) version of
nopCommerce. If you are using the source code version and making changes to
nopCommerce you need to extract the package in the
Presentation/Nop.Web/Plugins folder.
NOTE: Make sure that the extracted plugin folders are on the same level as the other plugin folders. For example in the [b]Plugins folder our plugins folders names need to start with SevenSpikes and not be in another Plugins folder.[/b]
Go to the
Global.asax file, open it, add some spaces after the code (this is needed in order to restart your website) and save the file.
After that go to the administration of your website
Configuration=>Plugins click on the
Reload list of plugins button and install first the Core plugin and after that the Categories Header Menu plugin.