
Profile: IvanStoyanov


User posts

12 years ago

shayt wrote:

i want to change some CSHTML files,
so i copied them to my theme folder,
but i am getting errors when i try to change them.

the files i am trying to change -

and my theme name is a custom one.

the errors are -
_ProductReviews.cshtml :
Compilation Error, Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'model' does not exist in the current context
line 5 : @model Nop.Web.Models.Catalog.ProductReviewsModel

_ProductTabs.cshtml :
Compilation Error, Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'T' does not exist in the current context
line 38 : Line 38:     var couldNotLoadTabErrorMessage = T("SevenSpikes.NopQuickTabs.Client.Tabs.CouldNotLoadTabErrorMessage").ToString();

the problem is not in my changes, because the errors appears also if i don't change anything (just the files to the theme folder)

the folder i tried to put them is -

p.s. i already downloaded the last version of QuickTabs, and replaced the files


Hi Shay,

You need to copy the Web.config file from Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs\Views\ and paste it to Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs\Themes\BBooksTheme\Views\ folder.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

shayt wrote:
ok, that's might be good,
how can i insert the content from short description to my new custom tab ?

Hi Shay,

To add the content go to Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs/Views/ProductTab/_ProductTabs.cshtml.
Open the view and go to line 203. Under the comment add the following code:
<li><a href="#tab-CustomTab">@T("CustomTab")</a> </li> 

After that go to line 216 and under the comment add the following code:

<div id="tab-CustomTab">

Now you need to go to the Administration of your website Configuration=>Languages, click View string resources next to your language and click the Add new record button.
The Resource name property should be CustomTab and the value is the name of your tab in your language. After that click on the Insert button and you are ready.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

shayt wrote:
i hope you had fun...

here is my demo site -

The rightest tab is the review tab,
try to press "send"
and you will see that the tab is grayed a little, with no errors.


Hi Shay,

We have made some improvements on the Nop Quick Tabs plugin.  On your website there is a message over the "Submit review" button - "Only registered users can write reviews".
The it appears however that you have some problem with the javascript. Can you please update the Nop Quick Tabs plugin to the latest version. To do this go to our website and download the package. Copy the Themes folder from Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs in order to save your changes for your theme. After that delete the Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs  folder. And extract the plugin from the package that you have downloaded from our website. When the package is extracted replace the Themes folder with the Themes folder that you have copied.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

xtsiliv wrote:
Hi !

I want to change the words: Overview, Specifications and Reviews
in product page  to my language (Greek)
Where can i search? in which file?
I cant find it!

Can you help me?

Hi xtsiliv,

This words are resources. You can change them by going to Configuration=>Languages. Click "View string resources" next to your language (in your case Greek). Search by resource string or value and change it.

Ivan Stoyanov

RTL header
12 years ago

shayt wrote:

i am talking about the quick tabs headers,
currently they are left to right (LTR),
and i want it to be in RTL.

it's probably should be fixed in the CSS,
but if you can tell me exactly what to change in the CSS for that.

here is my demo site -


Hi Shay,

Please add the following css to the [b]Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs/Themes/DarkOrange/Contentjquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.css[/b] file (add it to the existing css classes).

.ui-tabs { direction: rtl; }
.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li.ui-state-default {float: right; }
.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li a { float: right; }

Ivan Stoyanov

RTL header
12 years ago

shayt wrote:
Can we have RTL header -
meaning that "overview" will be at the rightest position and not at the left position.


Hi Shay,

Can you give us more information? Which header are you referring to?

Generally you can arrange the position of your content by going to the appropriate view for example Views/Common/HeaderLinks.cshtml and positioning the link that you want at the desired place.
NOTE: This is not right-to-left. The right-to-left support is achieved by css and is specific for each theme.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

shayt wrote:
in quick-tabs,
both in Ajax and in non-Ajax,
when the fields are EMPTY, and i click on SEND,
there is NO error message.


Hi Shay,

Sorry for the late reply, but there was a holiday in Bulgaria.

Can you please give us a link to your website.

I presume that you are talking about the Reviews tab. Everything works fine on our demo website.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

etorkia wrote:
Hi Gentlemen:

It appears that the links will not work on anything but the first slider image. Once the slider changes, the links don't work anymore.... any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Eric,

Can you please send us admin credentials to you website to support (at)

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

inspired wrote:
Hi, I have just installed 2.7 Shop All Theme. All is fine apart from when a product is added to the cart I get a message saying: "Refreshing mini shopping cart failed" - the mini shopping cart successfully refreshed.



Hi Dave,

Can you see if there is an error in the log and if there is an error can you please post it here.

Also make sure that all of the files for the Nop Ajax Cart plugin are copied. The best way to do this is by deleting the SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart folder from the Plugins folder. And copy the same folder that is located in the ShopAll theme archive.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

trendyget wrote:
for 2.7 version when I deploy the code to server , it gives the error about plugin
How can I fix.

Hi trendyget,

Can you give us more information about the error. Also make sure that you have read and write rights to the App_Data folder.

Ivan Stoyanov