
Profile: IvanStoyanov


User posts

12 years ago

shayt wrote:

can i create a carousel with 10 RANDOM products from all the categories ?


Hi shayt,

The Nop JCarousel plugin does not have predefined data source for random products. The purpose of the plugin is to show  specific products not random. The only way for the Nop JCarousel plugin to show random products is if you implement it with custom data source.
Please read our online documentation for more information.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

genode wrote:
Found JS error for script below.

            jCarouselContainerWidth = jCarouselContainerWidth.substring(0, jCarouselContainerWidth.length - 2);    

Error detail as below:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
Timestamp: Thu, 27 Dec 2012 06:14:59 UTC

Message: 'undefined' is null or not an object
Line: 828
Char: 13
Code: 0

Hi genode,

Thank you for reporting this problem. We are glad to inform you that it is already fixed. Can you please download again the Nop JCarousel plugin and replace /Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel/Views/JCarousel/JCarousel.cshtml view with the one that you have just downloaded.

Best wishes.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

tbauto wrote:
Hi Today I just Update Quicktab plugin but in viewpage source still javascritp is inline which keeps throwing exception from google crawler

<script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
            $('#add-review').live("click", function () {
                var reviewTitle = $("#AddProductReview_Title").val();
                var reviewText = $("#AddProductReview_ReviewText").val();
                var reviewRating = $("input[id=AddProductReview_Rating]:radio:checked").val()
                var productReviewsTabAddNewUrl = "/ProductTab/ProductReviewsTabAddNew/412";
                $("#updateTargetId")[0].style.opacity = 0.5;
                    cache: false,
                    type: "POST",
                    url: productReviewsTabAddNewUrl,
                    data: "add-review=Submit review" + "&AddProductReview.Title=" + reviewTitle.toString()
                     + "&AddProductReview.ReviewText=" + reviewText.toString() + "&AddProductReview.Rating=" + reviewRating.toString(),
                    success: function (data) {
                        $("#updateTargetId")[0].style.opacity = 1;
                    error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
                        $("#updateTargetId")[0].style.opacity = 1;
                        alert('Failed to add review.');

Hi tbauto,

Have you updated all of the files of the Quick Tabs plugin? Which version of nopCommerce are you using?

If you have not done any modifications to the plugin the best practice is to delete the folder of the old plugin and paste the new one on it's place.

If you have done modifications to the .css you can save your modifications and merge them to the new files. The same goes for the views.

Since we fixed the bug, there have been no reports for this problem.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

bulrushop wrote:
hi, is there a possibility to integrate ajax filters plugin into the ManufacturerTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml?

Hi bulrushop,

At the moment the Ajax Filters plugin can not be integrated on the manufacturers page.

You can propose this in our User voice portal.

Best wishes.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

ylechasseur wrote:
Hi Guys,

Long time talk to you, I imagine I didn't have time to screwup :-).. Finaly I am leaving Arvixe for the same reason as you. They closed my web site last weekend because I was using 250 meg ram.. I fight a bit and I got it reopen. Now I am testing VPS and it is going soso for  the moment. I can't reach the speed I am expecting, but it is a matter of setup. I will host my web site at the office sooner or later and My own server..

I am writing because I have two issues  and the first one, I tried to find the CSS to fix it and I wasn't lucky.. didn't find the right parameters to put. In fact, if you looking at my main page, you'll see the thumbs don't have a the same size and I am wondering what I did ..again !!

Also, that's probably a migration problem with my db, but in the tab review I always have the error message the file is not found (I have my error page appearing in the tab. I looked at the logs and the only things I found was :Resource string (sevenspikes.nopquicktabs.client.tabs.couldnotloadtaberrormessage) is not found. Language ID = That generally can be fix easy by importing the xml file, but I wonder if it is something to do with my migration. I am testing the version 2.70 (much better) on the address :

Bet regards and merry X'mas to all of u

BTW: very very nice your new site.. I like it very much


Hi Yves,

We are very happy that you like our new website.

We found the problem with the css. You need to edit the styles.css file for the Electronics theme. Go to line 2125 and edit
.home-page-product-grid .item .picture img {
width: 150px;

You need to remove the width property.

As for the reviews tab. You need to update a view and  a .js file of the Quick Tabs plugin.
Please read the following post for more info

We wish you luck with your new hosting, merry christmas and a happy new year.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

ThadiusZho wrote:

Just started working with Mega Menu today and I have one question. Is it possible to show subcategories while in list view? (I've seen the post about changing the grid with pictures view but I only have 1 category with subcategories and as so, only one of the grids is filled, while the others have a blank space.

If you require anything else, just say so.


Hi ThadiusZho,

Yes you can show subcategories in the list view.
Go to Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu\Views\MegaMenu and open the CategoryMenuTemplate.WithoutPictures.cshtml view. In this view you need to add one more foreach loop for the subcategories. You can open the CategoryMenuTemplate.WithPictures.cshtml view for reference.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

nirmaljoseph wrote:
Hi could you please suggest me how to add a new menu item to the new nop mega menu  other than those already there.
Or is such an option already there if i buy a nopmega menu plugin Full version?Currently im using the trial version.
I am currently using nop version 2.65


You can add new menu items by going to Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu\Views\MegaMenu going to the MegaMenu.cshtml view and add <li> Your Content Goes Here  </li>.

I want to remind you that you will not be able to use the trial license in a release.
The Mega Menu will hide after 5 reloads of the page.

Ivan Stoyanov

pdesignz wrote:
Is there a way not to show a category in the Mega Menu Products DropDown, but instead have this new category as main category that I can manually add to the menu. So essentially, I want to hide a category from displaying in the drop down menu, but still have the other categories display and then manually add this category as a main category header to menu.


Hi pdesignz,

Yes you can.
Please see the following topic
The customizations are in the same views but a little different.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

xtsiliv wrote:

i want to have two 2 different buttons each with different product items in nopshopAllTheme
i add this code in MegaMenu.cshtml

@Html.Raw(Model.CategoriesHtml) and i had 2 same buttons

i cant put other product categories in the second button. is it possible alla this? im new!!


Hi xtsiliv,

It is possible but it needs a lot of customization. You need to customize the CategoryMenuTemplate.WithoutPictures.cshtml and CategoryMenuTemplate.WithPictures.cshtml views. The customization is quite hard to do and error prompt. The views are located in Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu\Views\MegaMenu

PS: There is a setting for the Mega Menu Show categories in a single menu. If you uncheck it the Mega Menu will show a menu item for each top level category.

Ivan Stoyanov

12 years ago

RJM wrote:

I am getting a slew of 'A public action method 'ProductReviewsTabAddNew' was not found on controller 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs.Controllers.ProductTabController' errors logged on the system log. We are running nopC2.65. I have read the thread where it was suggested to just reinstall the whole plugin and update the core too.

While that's a nice easy fix from the support side, I have done a reasonable amount of mods with moving tabs around, etc. and I really don't feel like comparing every file against the update to see what I have to change. So my question is - what files(s) are absolutely necessary to change in order to rid myself of all these logged errors?

Thanks in advance.


Go to our website and download the package again.
In order for to add the new changes you need to merge the Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs\Views\ProductTab\_ProductTabs.cshtml view with the one that you already have.
You also need to copy the Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs\Scripts from the Quick Tabs that you downloaded to the one that you already have.

Have a great day.

Ivan Stoyanov