
Profile: joster


User posts

9 years ago

Boyko wrote:

Hi Steve,

Actually you should remove the captcha as it is not used in the tabs.
It is there but it shouldn't actually be there and it is not working.
We have commented the captcha in the code but we did this recently and I guess you are using some older version of the plugin.

OK, thanks, when I view the tab on my product detail page, no recaptcha appears, but when you view the tabs page by itself, like googlebot is doing, ( the recaptcha appears...

...but my question is really that I want to block every possible URL of my tabs pages from googlebot. I wonder if can be done in robots.txt, like
 disallow: /ProductTab/*

Or maybe I need to just use meta tags on each of the views, like:
<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex">

My concern is that maybe this would cause googlebot to be blocked from the parent page where the tabs page is being referenced? I DO NOT want to accidentally instruct google to ignore my product pages..


9 years ago


Google has recently announced that they will be penalizing sites with mobile-usability issues.
When you run their mobile-friendly report, it shows all of the Producttabs/ProductCustomTabs are problematic due to not having a viewport configured. I realize that these "pages" are never viewed as stand-alone pages, but do not want to take any chances that google will demote our SERP.

I added a viewport meta tag to each of the producttabs code, like so:

@using Nop.Web.Framework
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
<div class="custom-tab">

This at least causes those errors to disappear, but then it reports many issues with the reviews tab pages because the recaptcha box doesn't fit inside the viewport...and many touch elements are too close, etc..

I am wondering if it would be possible to just add the tabs "pages" or directory to the robots file as nofollow?? Then maybe google will ignore them completely?

How can this be done?


10 years ago


The demo shows the plugin functioning outside of a nopcommerce site..without the header, footer and left/right columns. Is it possible that the knowledgebase can appear within a nopcommerce site so my header and footer are still visible?


10 years ago

Also...I thought maybe the solution was to just have one ContactUs topic page and code it to have store-relevant information on it, but it is impossible because razor code in topic page content doesn't execute.

How do other people have a different contact page for each store..and still have contact form on each??

10 years ago

We recently set up a second store on our nopcommerce 3.40 site.
I want to have a unique ContactUs page for store2, so created a new topic page named ContactUs2.
In the mega menu view (MegaMenu.cshtml), I added this in top:

string currentstore=HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"];

And changed menu list code to this:

    if (Model.Settings.IncludeContactUsLink)

  if (currentstore == "")
  <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ContactUs")" title="@T("ContactUs")">@T("ContactUs")</a>
<a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ContactUs2")" title="@T("ContactUs")">@T("ContactUs")</a>

But I get errors.

I realized, however, even if I get this to work, that the contact FORM will not appear on my new topic page... only on a topic page named ContactUs...

So my question is how do we create and reference a complete/working contact us page for store 2 and correctly code the mega menu to have correct link based on which store is being viewed at the time??


The following section of code, from the ProductTemplate.Simple.cshtml, never seems to execute, as the manufacturer and categories don't appear like on the demo. I presume one of the 2 conditions isn't being met...but I do not understand how..the products all have a manufacturer and category defined....

Is there a setting somewhere that I am not seeing?


@if (productFashionModel != null && ((productFashionModel.ProductManufacturers != null && productFashionModel.ProductManufacturers.Count > 0)
|| (productFashionModel.ProductCategories != null && productFashionModel.ProductCategories.Count > 0)))
    <div class="links-list">
        <span class="view-more-options">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Fashion.Product.ViewMore")</span>
            @foreach (ProductManufacturerMiniModel manufacturer in productFashionModel.ProductManufacturers)
                    <a title="@manufacturer.Name" href="@Url.RouteUrl("Manufacturer", new { SeName = @manufacturer.SeName })">
            @foreach (ProductCategoryMiniModel category in productFashionModel.ProductCategories)
                    <a title="@category.Name" href="@Url.RouteUrl("Category", new { SeName = @category.SeName })">

10 years ago

OK...that makes sense to me...I just didn't want to undo any of my customizations on the main site.
Thanks for explaining.

I did as you said, but still get the error, so have submitted a ticket.

I think I just misunderstood you...


I just posted on the forum ( here ) and then found this thread, which concerns me.

Boyko wrote:
In summary it is not a good idea to have multiple themes running at the same instance of nopCommerce as all the settings are shared as you are having a single database. I don't know why you want to run two themes on the same instance of nopCommerce but we wouldn't recommend doing this in production web site unless you are running Multiple web sites (Multi store) and be able to set a given setting per store.

Can you please elaborate for me? Was I wrong to purchase another theme license for my new second store?

10 years ago

I need help configuring my multi-store site to use two different 7spikes themes...

I own and have the alfresco theme already working(and heavily modified) on my main store.

I am creating a second store, and now also have current license for fashion theme.  

I have both themes installed on my site...however...when I was installing the second theme, I did not upload the plugins included with fashion theme because the same plugins that came with alfresco are already in the /plugins folder.of my site (and some views and css in my alfresco now have modifications)

I suspect that is why I get error when enable the fashion theme on the second store:

Error executing child request for handler 'System.Web.Mvc.HttpHandlerUtil+ServerExecuteHttpHandlerAsyncWrapper'. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\MYSITE\Views\Widget\WidgetsByZone.cshtml:line 5 at System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.ExecutePageHierarchy()

Where do I put the plugins that came with the fashion theme??

Also..I now realize that while the subject was relevant, replying to this thread was probably not the best because it is in the mega menu forum...please feel free to move it.
