
Profile: anton_ivanov


User posts

8 years ago


I guess you are using SQL Server compact edition which is not supported by the plugin.
Please use SQL Server 2008 or above.

Hope this helps!

8 years ago


You are on the right track. You will probably need to adjust your styling in order for the Mega Menu to display correctly where the Category Navigation is usually displayed, though.

Also, I cannot fully get the picture here. Do you want this Side Menu to display only when you are on a Topic Page or you want it to display every time you are in two columns layout page?

Note: Code customizations is out of the scope of our support. That being said I can guide you in order for you to take the right path.

8 years ago


You can upload files of size up to 4mb by default. If you try to upload a file larger than that you will get an error message.

You can, however, change the max file size you can upload. You will need to follow these instructions.

Hope this helps!

8 years ago


The Nop Anywhere Sliders plugin uses the default nopCommerce functionality to handle images.
I am afraid that we cannot help you with this issue. I would suggest you turn over to the nopCommerce Community Forum as I am sure there are many people that would help.

Hope that helps!

8 years ago


The tickets and all the data that the Help Desk plugin operates with are saved in the database. So updating the plugin wouldn`t affect it at all. If you follow the instructions that are given in this article you are simply replacing the old plugins files with the new plugins files. You do not change the data in the database in any way.

Hope that helps!

8 years ago


This cannot be done out of the box if you are not using the Nop Pavilion Theme, because the Nop Pavilion theme already has a side (vertical ) category menu. Can you please specify what theme you are using?

8 years ago


We have implemented the features you requested.
There is a new column for Ticked ID in the MyTickets and ManageTickets pages.
There is a new setting Send Email to Ticket Assignee. If you check that the ticket owner will get an email when a ticket is assigned.

All you would have to do is to update the Help Desk Plugin.

Please check out this article : How to update a plugin.

Hello Chris,

The Store Name is added at the start of every title tag that is affected by the Smart Seo plugin. I assume that your issue is that either your store name is blank or it has a comma in it.

Unfortunately, that is all I can do with the information that I have. I will ask you to submit a ticket with admin credentials to your store in order for us to further investigate the problem you have.

Hope that helps!

8 years ago


I have answered the same question in the following topic:

8 years ago


You are right, that this is a real issue. We have investigated the issue and have fixed it.
Usually, we tell our clients to update their plugins but since in this case the changes to the files are a few you can manually add them to your files and avoid all the work updating the plugins.

You will need to go to ~Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu\Themes\Pavilion\Views\MegaMenu\MegaMenu.cshtml and on line 63 change the following code:

            if (item.Type == MenuItemType.Manufacturers)
                item.Type = MenuItemType.ManufacturerList;
            if (item.Type == MenuItemType.Vendors)
                item.Type = MenuItemType.VendorList;

with :

            if (item.Type == MenuItemType.Manufacturers && item.CatalogTemplate != CatalogTemplate.Simple)
                item.Type = MenuItemType.ManufacturerList;
            if (item.Type == MenuItemType.Vendors && item.CatalogTemplate != CatalogTemplate.Simple)
                item.Type = MenuItemType.VendorList;