Currently, the plugin works only with UTC date time format. You can suggest this in our
user voice portal and in the meantime, you can set the date times in the views to be converted in user time using the date time helper: The code will look like this:
var dateTimeHelper = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IDateTimeHelper>();
<span class="detail-value">@dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUserTime(Model.TicketModel.LastAnswerUtc)</span>
This should be applied to all views that contain date times: _TicketDetails.cshtml, _TicketMessages.cshtml, _TicketNotes.cshtml, ViewTicket.cshtml and ViewTicketNotes.cshtml
They are located at HelpDesk Plugin Folder/Views/HelpDesk
Currently, we are occupied with other projects and we do not have the resources to do it, that is why I can not give you exact time frames when it will be done, but if you suggest it to our UserVoice you will be notified via email when it is completed.