
Profile: SDobrev


User posts

5 years ago


This will require modifications because the plugin integrates to the pages via widget zones but in the topic page, there aren't any.

You have to add a new custom widget zone to the TopicDetails.cshtml page and add the same widget zone to the AnywhereSliders SupportedWidgetZones.xml.

Here is the code for adding a widget zone in the topic view. It is for nopCommerce 4.1 if you are using an older version the code for adding a widget zone will be different but you can find it in the other views:

@await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone = "your_custom_widgetzone" })

and here is what you have to add in the SupportedWidgetZones.xml of the plugin:


5 years ago

Hi Cédric,

Sorry for the late reply.

The grid doesn't support changing the items per page but if the "adminareasettings.defaultgridpagesize" setting is set to 10 and you have 11 articles there should be paging at the bottom of the grid list.

If the paging is missing or not working could you please tell us the exact version of the plugin you are using. You can find it in Nop-Templates -> System information.

Thank you!

5 years ago


You should add something like this:


Please note we haven't tested this solution. In the TinyMCE documentation, you will find out more information about the additional configuration.

5 years ago

This happens because of the nopCommerce Rich Text Editor. By default, it is escaping the meta tags. This editor is used all over nopCommerce administration including the Nop Html Widgets plugin.

The Rich Text Editor initializing can be found in the Views\Shared\EditorTemplates\RichEditor.cshtml. In the file, you will find examples of how to allow Javascript and Style tags. Use these templates to allow meta tags.

5 years ago


Could you please submit a ticket and provide URL to your store so we can further investigate this issue?

The Ajax Cart requires some Kendo files which are included in nopCommerce by default. Have you made any custom modifications to the nopCommerce?

6 years ago


The theme has additional settings for the menu layout. You will find them in the Brooklyn theme settings.


Paste the plugins in the "~\Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\" folder and the theme in the "~\Presentation\Nop.Web\Themes\" folder and the plugins will work with the Source version of nopCommerce.

Also, you should check if the plugins are for the nopCommrece version you are using.

6 years ago


This feature is introduced with the 24182 version of the theme. Please check your current version and if it is a lower update to the latest one.

6 years ago


If you have the tab Id you can edit the tab from the administration. Just go to (5 is the Id):

Custom Maker
6 years ago


It is not possible out of the box. If you want to have different markers for different shops this will require a lot of modifications.

If you want to change the default marker for all shops it will be easier. In the Google Maps documentation, you will find out more information: