Looking at how the slider work, I'm not sure if it is possible, but I have a client that has multiple banner images and wants one of them to use an image map having four separate clickable sections within one of the banner images.
Brilliant! Works great.
Thank you!
Thank you! Your suggestion works great, but I have one last issue.
This code...
<div class="choose-address">
<select ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default change' }" ng-model="vm.billingData.selectedBillingAddress" ng-options="address.customAddressAttributes[0].defaultValue for address in vm.billingData.addresses track by address.id">
<option value="" ng-if="false"></option>
<select ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default change' }" ng-model="vm.billingData.selectedBillingAddress" ng-options="address.customAddressAttributes[0].defaultValue for address in vm.billingData.addresses track by address.id" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid"><!-- ngIf: false --><option value="0" label="null">null</option><option value="1" selected="selected" label="TEST1">TEST1</option></select>
option value="2" selected="selected" label="TEST2">TEST2</option></select>
option value="3" selected="selected" label="TEST3">TEST3</option></select>
<select ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default change' }" ng-model="vm.billingData.selectedBillingAddress" ng-options="address.customAddressAttributes[0].defaultValue for address in vm.billingData.addresses track by address.id" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid"><!-- ngIf: false --><option value="0" label="New Address">New Address</option><option value="1" selected="selected" label="TEST1">TEST1</option></select>
option value="2" selected="selected" label="TEST2">TEST2</option></select>
option value="3" selected="selected" label="TEST3">TEST3</option></select>
I have a single custom address attribute called "Alias".
The attributeControlType = "TextBox".
I need the value of the custom address attribute to be populated in the address dropdown instead of the fullAddress.
The dropdown option text (fullAddress) would be replaced with the custom address attribute value.
The dropdown option value would need remain the address id so the onchange functionality of the dropdown continues to work properly.
Something like this... ?
<div class="choose-address">
<select ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default change' }" ng-model="vm.billingData.selectedBillingAddress" ng-options="address.customAddressAttributes.value for address in vm.billingData.addresses track by address.id">
<option value="" ng-if="false"></option>
I'm using NopUltimatePluginCollection_3.7.148.18764 (RealOnePageCheckout).
I have a single custom address attribute named "Alias".
Alias is used as a quick reference to an address. e.g., "Main Office", "Building 2"
I would like to use this custom address attribute in the dropdown to select addresses.
In the view \SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.RealOnePageCheckout\Views\RealOnePageCheckout\BillingAddress.chtml
Line 18:
<div class="choose-address">
<select ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default change' }" ng-model="vm.billingData.selectedBillingAddress" ng-options="address.customProperties.fullAddress for address in vm.billingData.addresses track by address.id">
<option value="" ng-if="false"></option>
I want to replace address.customProperties.fullAddress with address.customAddressAttributes[0].???
I don't understand the model enough to finish this.
So the dropdownlist would look like...
[New Address]
[Alias 1]
[Alias 2]
[Alias 3]
Any help with this would again be very much appreciated.
Thank you!
Works Great! Thank you!
I'm using NopUltimatePluginCollection_3.7.148.18764 (RealOnePageCheckout).
I'm trying to figure out how to show/hide the checkout attributes based on a selected shipping method.
So for example...
I have three shipping methods
- FedEx
- Other
If a users selects Other, I want the Checkout Attributes panel to be visible... else I want the Checkout Attributes to be invisible.
I'm new to AngularJs and I'm trying to figure out how to use ng-show in CheckoutAttributes.cshtml, but not sure how to check the selected shipping method like so. vm.shippingData.selectedShippingMethod.name == 'Other'
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
How do I show the SKU in the Order Summary section of Nop One Page Checkout?
I have enabled Show SKU in Catalog Settings. It displays in the shopping cart, but not on the checkout page.