
- 10
We had The Motion Theme with all of its plugins
on the 3.40 version of Nopcommerce and I easily dare to say we didn't have any problem with the performance or any bug and error even once, but from the day of upgrade to 3.50 version or 3.60 version we've faced lots of bugs and errors. We Hosted only this website on our own dedicate server with Windows 2012 R2 and MSSQL 2014 Enterprise and more than 36GB of ram with 2 CPUs witch totally have 16 Cores, but unfortunately we face the massage "Application Started" daily. during all this time we tried every single way for tuning the IIS and MSSQL for solving this problem but none of them succeed and still haven't solve the problem and error yet. Now we look up this website daily to see if there is any good and stable version published yet but still there is not I'm afraid!
Please fundamentally fix all of these issues and bugs and solve this problem as soon as possible.
Thanks and Regards
We had The Motion Theme with all of its plugins
on the 3.40 version of Nopcommerce and I easily dare to say we didn't have any problem with the performance or any bug and error even once, but from the day of upgrade to 3.50 version or 3.60 version we've faced lots of bugs and errors. We Hosted only this website on our own dedicate server with Windows 2012 R2 and MSSQL 2014 Enterprise and more than 36GB of ram with 2 CPUs witch totally have 16 Cores, but unfortunately we face the massage "Application Started" daily. during all this time we tried every single way for tuning the IIS and MSSQL for solving this problem but none of them succeed and still haven't solve the problem and error yet. Now we look up this website daily to see if there is any good and stable version published yet but still there is not I'm afraid!
Please fundamentally fix all of these issues and bugs and solve this problem as soon as possible.
Thanks and Regards