
Complete Order - Direct Link to new product review

9 years ago
#10627 Quote
  • 184
Boyko wrote:
Hi! how can I do this in 3.60? 

Hi jakubz,

All you need to do is explained in this post.

Hi! we upgrade our nop to 3.70. Maybe thit feature was implemented to Customer Reminder 3.7 or I need to do this on my own? :)
9 years ago
#10637 Quote
  • 1570
jakubz wrote:
Hi! how can I do this in 3.60? 

Hi jakubz,

All you need to do is explained in this post.

Hi! we upgrade our nop to 3.70. Maybe thit feature was implemented to Customer Reminder 3.7 or I need to do this on my own? :)

You still need to do this manually in the view :)
Regards, Team
8 years ago
#12749 Quote
  • 3
(Just downloaded the latest version.)
We are seeing a weird issue.  When we use the Abandoned Shopping Cart reminder the link to the product is going to the correct store that the user was shopping at, but when we use Completed Order reminder the link always goes to Store Id 1, no matter where the customer placed the order.  This seems weird since both use the same underlying code:
var storeUrl = _storeService.GetStoreById(Model.StoreId).Url;
Anyone else see this?
8 years ago
#12750 Quote
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  • 386
nopking wrote:
(Just downloaded the latest version.)
We are seeing a weird issue.  When we use the Abandoned Shopping Cart reminder the link to the product is going to the correct store that the user was shopping at, but when we use Completed Order reminder the link always goes to Store Id 1, no matter where the customer placed the order.  This seems weird since both use the same underlying code:
var storeUrl = _storeService.GetStoreById(Model.StoreId).Url;
Anyone else see this?


I can confirm that the StoreId is using in the Completed order reminder.

Could you please tell us what is your exact version because "latest version" does not give us any information about what version you are using. You can see it in the Administration -> System -> System information -> Click "Show" button next to the Loaded assembly and search for "SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.CustomerReminders, Version=3.*.***.***, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"

Looking forward to your reply!
Hristian Dimov
8 years ago
#12752 Quote
  • 3
Here you go:
SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.CustomerReminders, Version=3.7.1297.22311, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
8 years ago
#12753 Quote
  • 3
I should also add that this is when using the %Order.ProductsWithPictures% token.  We also use the %Store.Name% token in the same message and that outputs the correct store.  The abandoned cart email uses the %ShoppingCart.ProductsWithPictures% token.
8 years ago
#12754 Quote
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  • 386
nopking wrote:
I should also add that this is when using the %Order.ProductsWithPictures% token. We also use the %Store.Name% token in the same message and that outputs the correct store. The abandoned cart email uses the %ShoppingCart.ProductsWithPictures% token.


I double-checked the code and it appears that the tokens weren't use the correct store id. Thank you for reporting this.

We fixed it and it is deployed on our servers.

Please download and update the plugin to the latest version following this article:

Hope this helps!
Hristian Dimov