
Style Bugs

9 years ago
#10326 Quote
  • 20
I am using plugin version 3.6.821.17491. I have basic nopcommerce NoSource version. And I have installed Nop Sale of the Day plugin. 

In the theme folder under SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.SaleOfTheDay folder, I have seen you have folder for four themes : Brooklyn, Default Clean, Motion and Native. 

Your plugin didn't work well for smart theme. I am giving a screenshot of that:

Moreover for Motion theme, the button isn't showing up as it suppose to be. Here is a screenshot:

Colors aren't working fine for most of the theme, it seems they use style applicable for default clean. 
Let me know How Can I fix these.  
9 years ago
#10329 Quote
  • 1570
mkzaman wrote:
I am using plugin version 3.6.821.17491. I have basic nopcommerce NoSource version. And I have installed Nop Sale of the Day plugin. 

In the theme folder under SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.SaleOfTheDay folder, I have seen you have folder for four themes : Brooklyn, Default Clean, Motion and Native. 

Your plugin didn't work well for smart theme. I am giving a screenshot of that:

Moreover for Motion theme, the button isn't showing up as it suppose to be. Here is a screenshot:

Colors aren't working fine for most of the theme, it seems they use style applicable for default clean. 
Let me know How Can I fix these.  

Hi mkzaman,

Since this plugin is not part of the Smart theme we have haven't styled this plugin for the Smart theme yet. That is why there is no Smart folder inside the Themes folder of the plugin.
If there is no theme specific styling for a given plugin then it always load the default styling from the Default Clean theme.
You need to style the Sale of the Day plugin yourself for the Smart theme.
Simply copy the DefaultClean folder and rename it to Smart. Then change the styling to your needs.
Alternatively we can style this for you but it won't happen before the release of nopCommerce 3.7 since we started working on the upgrade and we are very busy at the moment.
Regards, Team
6 years ago
#15045 Quote
  • 184
Oh, can you tell me if element theme variant 1 is supported?
6 years ago
#15051 Quote
  • 172
jakubz wrote:
Oh, can you tell me if element theme variant 1 is supported?

Hello jakubz,

yes, the Sale of the day plugin is styled and fully supported by the Element theme.
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov