
General Discussion

8 years ago
#13001 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
Topic for general discussion regarding the Nop Element Responsive Theme.
myo myint han
8 years ago
#13063 Quote
  • 6
Hi Admin,
Where can i see this new theme?:)
7 years ago
#13443 Quote
  • 6

I am trying to create a bundle product which contains two other products and gives a £3 discount. As there are lots of colour and style options the stock must be adjusted as sold, the individual prices for these style options are also different so the price needs to be fluid.

The problem I am having is in the display pricing, if you assign a product by product attributes for stock adjustment then it adds the value of the product to the order.

Is there a way to adjust the stock without adding the original cost of the product?


At the moment I have entered a price of £21 and have used a product attribute to subtract £24 to create a £3 overall discount. Is this the most efficient way to create a bundle product? Also note that because I have entered the price at £21, this is the price that will appear on all category pages. Is it possible to instead display a price range?

7 years ago
#13444 Quote
  • 2
I need a help for api that is free on github Can you please provide a brief document for how to use api in our project .
one more thing I want to know that is this same api work in nop 4.0  or it needs new api ?
7 years ago
#13446 Quote
  • 1570
harshit wrote:
I need a help for api that is free on github Can you please provide a brief document for how to use api in our project .
one more thing I want to know that is this same api work in nop 4.0  or it needs new api ?

Hi harshit,

All the information about the API plugin is available in GitHub.
There is no additional document available for the plugin that we could provide.
You can watch this video from the last year's nopCommerce conference where I explain how to use the API plugin.
nopCommerce 4.0 is not released yet so we can't say anything until it is officially released.
Regards, Team
7 years ago
#13452 Quote
  • 2
Boyko wrote:
I need a help for api that is free on github Can you please provide a brief document for how to use api in our project .
one more thing I want to know that is this same api work in nop 4.0  or it needs new api ?

Hi harshit,

All the information about the API plugin is available in GitHub.
There is no additional document available for the plugin that we could provide.
You can watch this video from the last year's nopCommerce conference where I explain how to use the API plugin.
nopCommerce 4.0 is not released yet so we can't say anything until it is officially released.

Thanks For your response.
After successfully installing that api i am facing few problems.
When I am testing the api it always ask me for credentials andd when i tried to login with my exsting credentials it shows error . (ADMIN CREDENTIALS)
first I try to acces- domainname/swagger/ui/index and try to get any data it shows error (Authentication Error)
.1- how to resolve this login error?
2- for testing i commented filter attribute and then get request for customer works fine
but I need help in posting data how to pass objct or content in objectPropertyNameValuePairs   this parameter for posting customer from swagger-index page ?
7 years ago
#13453 Quote
  • 1570
harshit wrote:

Thanks For your response.
After successfully installing that api i am facing few problems.
When I am testing the api it always ask me for credentials andd when i tried to login with my exsting credentials it shows error . (ADMIN CREDENTIALS)
first I try to acces- domainname/swagger/ui/index and try to get any data it shows error (Authentication Error)
.1- how to resolve this login error?
2- for testing i commented filter attribute and then get request for customer works fine
but I need help in posting data how to pass objct or content in objectPropertyNameValuePairs   this parameter for posting customer from swagger-index page ?

Hi harshit,

This forum is not the right place to ask questions about the Api plugin.
If you have any questions/problems regarding the Api plugin please create an issue in GitHub.
Regards, Team
7 years ago
#14270 Quote
  • 1

I added the following code,and it works.
.block .listbox li a:hover{
    color:#fff !important;

Now, I want the color stayed on the selected catalog. What should I add?
I tried the following code, but it wasn't successful.
.block .listbox li a:focus{
    color:#fff !important;
7 years ago
#14284 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 172
popolun wrote:

I added the following code,and it works.
.block .listbox li a:hover{
    color:#fff !important;

Now, I want the color stayed on the selected catalog. What should I add?
I tried the following code, but it wasn't successful.
.block .listbox li a:focus{
    color:#fff !important;


the ":focus" pseudo class will not help you to change the styling of the selected catalog item. You should use the "active" class instead, it applies to the selected list item.
If you have any further questions about the theme layout and styling, please start a support ticket instead of writing in the forum.

Hristo Gospodinov
6 years ago
#14827 Quote
  • 184
we use ELement Earth Variant 1, and we work with google insight, and try make our page faster...

One Recomendation from google is remove blocking css and we have there 3 fonts. Oswald, Monsterrat, and Raleway... Main font out theme is Oswald. I'm wondering where are used another 2 (Monsterrat and Raleway?)? I delete them in console... but on first sight i don't see difference, so here i am ;) and maybe can someone explain, where it used? Or tell me why i shouldn't remove them?:) Maybe i can move them on a bottom page if this not a "main" font?