
Where to edit stick menu

8 years ago
#13023 Quote
  • 4
Hi, I'd like to edit the stick menu to include a logo or cart, etc. In a previous theme (Allure), I was able to accomplish this directly in Header.cshtml.

In Uptown, I am not seeing where it is. I'm using header style 2, and I've found that in _Root.cshtml is where it is referencing header2, but I still can't see where the stick menu is being generated. Any help would be appreciated.
8 years ago
#13024 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 154

Since the markup of the header in Variant 1 and Variant 2 is different the selector which defines the markup that sticks is different. If you go to the uptown.js file which is located in \Themes\Uptown\Content\scripts folder you can see this code after line 466:
        if ($('.header-2').length > 0) {
            menuDesktopStickElement = "#headerMenuParent";
            menuDesktopStickParentElement = ".header-menu-wrapper";

Here you have define the html ellement that you want to stick and its parrent.
Have in mind that the Header Menu in Variant 2 is not located in the Header.cshtml razor view file, but in the _Root.cshtml file. Have in mind that if you move it from there you can have problems with the JavaScript or CSS of the theme.
Best regards,
Nikola Dragiev