
Profile: nikola.dragiev


User posts

5 years ago


Usually, the String resources in nopCommerce can not be different for the variety of stores in a Multistore setup. An easy workaround for that is to duplicate the language and limit one language for each store. This way you can change the resources for one store without it affecting the other.

5 years ago


The Venture theme has a custom layout for the subcategories on Category Page. Unlike every theme in nopCommerce, we have created an out of the box banner, which is actually the main image of the category and the subcategories are displayed as simple links. There is no setting, to change this layout but if you like you can create custom Carousels(with our Nop Carousel Plugin) and add the subcategories as category items there. This way they will have the same design as the Category boxes on Home Page for example. Have in mind that in the Nop Carousel Plugin has conditions, with which you can restrict each carousel to a different category. If you are having difficulties setting that, you can always submit a ticket to our support team ad we will be happy to help you.


Unfortunately, there is no way to add the With Pictures layout to a template with Custom Links simply because custom links don't have a picture attached to them. The Pictures template can only be added to menus that display Categories, Manufacturers, and Vendors.

5 years ago

bartnetjs wrote:
I have the same problem, i can see the ajax filter via the developer tools/elements, like this:

<div class="nopAjaxFilters7Spikes" data-categoryid="4" data-manufacturerid="0" data-vendorid="0" data-isonsearchpage="False" data-searchkeyword="" data-searchcategoryid="0" data-searchmanufacturerid="0" data-searchvendorid="0" data-searchpricefrom="" data-searchpriceto="" data-searchincludesubcategories="False" data-searchinproductdescriptions="False" data-searchadvancedsearch="False" data-getfilteredproductsurl="/getFilteredProducts" data-productslistpanelselector=".product-list" data-productsgridpanelselector=".product-grid" data-pagerpanelselector=".pager" data-pagerpanelintegrationselector=".product-grid, .product-list" data-sortoptionsdropdownselector="#products-orderby" data-viewoptionsdropdownselector=".viewmode-icon, #products-viewmode" data-productspagesizedropdownselector="#products-pagesize" data-filtersuimode="usecheckboxes" data-defaultviewmode="grid" data-enableinfinitescroll="False" data-infinitescrollloadertext="Loading more products ..." data-scrolltoelement="False" data-scrolltoelementselector=".product-selectors" data-scrolltoelementadditionaloffset="0" data-showselectedfilterspanel="False" data-numberofreturnedproductsselector="false" data-selectedoptionstargetselector=".nopAjaxFilters7Spikes .filtersPanel:first" data-selectedoptionstargetaction="prependTo" data-isrtl="false" data-closefilterspanelafterfiltrationinmobile="true" data-no-products-window-title="No results found" data-no-products-window-message="There are no products for the filters that you selected. Please widen your search criteria."></div>

but it doesn't show anything visible on the page


I see that you have raised a ticket about that and I believe that we have answered per your request.

In order for the Ajax Filters to work, you will need more than one product per category and Product Specifications and Attributes set for them, otherwise, there is nothing to filter from. Of course, the Specifications and Attributes have to have Allow filtering set to true also. If all of those conditions are met and the filters are still not shown please submit a ticket to our support team and we will do our best to help you.

5 years ago

[email protected] wrote:

I've having these problem wherein the ajax filter for the categories won't show on our site. The filter should display on the red box as seen in the image below:

here is the settings i've placed it on the widget zone "left_side_column_after_category_navigation":

Here is the view where the widget zone was placed:

What seems to be the problem?



The setup of your website seems to be right but we will need access to your website to investigate where the problem is. Maybe you could submit a ticket to our ticketing system with URL and if possible Admin access so we can dig deeper.

Thank you.

5 years ago

toanhnt wrote:

Hi, About 2 weeks ago. I asked to enable info box link url in ticket system. Your support team said, you guys are working on this update. Do you know when this will be available?


The Change is ready and if you download the latest version for the Venture Theme 4.2 you will be able to add links for the Information boxes.

toanhnt wrote:

Hi, Thank you for your response. But when cloudzoom enabled. All thumbnails jump to the bottom. and when thumbnails as carousel enabled, all thumbnails disappeared.


We could not reproduce such an issue on our local machines or on our demo website. Have you done any customizations? Maybe you could submit a ticket to our ticketing system with a live store link to your website so we can investigate the problem there.


The Cloud Zoom Plugin has such functionality. You can see it here:

You can enable it from the Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> Nop Cloud Zoom -> Settings -> General Settings and check the Enable Picture Thumbnails To Be In JCarousel checkbox.   

You can change the number of visible products to 8 by going to Configuration -> Settings -> All settings (advanced), then search for this setting: cloudzoomsettings.numberofpicturethumbnailsincarousel-venture and change i'ts value to 8.


There is a setting that disables the lazyload of the images. You can disable it by going to Configuration -> Settings -> All Settings (Advanced) and search for that setting: sevenspikescommonsettings.lazyloadimages.

5 years ago


In the Mega Menu Plugin for version 4.2, you can create menu items with topics and any links you want and can structure them in any way you want with the drag and drop function. If you like, take a look at the documentation of the plugin:

I believe that there will be no problem to set up the menu structure you want.