
Mobile adjustable

7 years ago
#13553 Quote
  • 18
I am using nitro theme to make my website professional. But some content are not comfortable with mobile phone  version so, how can i adjust with css those are not adjusted in mobile phone interface.Please let me know how do i modify my website with mobile comparable.
For your understand please click this link :

Thank you in advance
7 years ago
#13557 Quote
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  • 34
There are not many options with tables in mobile. The most acceptable and easiest solution which I can suggest you is to add container in the markup which will hold the table.
You can do that from the content editor Tools > Source code. Find where the table opening tag (<table>) and right before it paste the following :
<div style="max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;">

Then find the table closing tag (</table>) and right after it paste the following :

Hope that will help you.
Best regards,
Zornitsa Ivanova
7 years ago
#13558 Quote
  • 18
But this code does not work.
7 years ago
#13560 Quote
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  • 34
Can you please submit a ticket in order to make further research and see why it does not work.
Best regards,
Zornitsa Ivanova
7 years ago
#13561 Quote
  • 18
for submit ticket needs License so how can I get my license?
7 years ago
#13565 Quote
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  • 154

When you purchase a product from us you have one-year free support and upgrades from our dedicated team. Since your license is not valid probably you have purchased your product more than a year ago and you are not able to contact our support team, this is why you were not able to submit a ticket about the issue. Here is more information about our licensing and how to renew your license. Without a valid license, the only help we can provide is on how to resolve bugs in the product that are not caused by client interventions but were present in the code when you bought the product. If you decide yo renew your license our support can help you with any bug fixes and minor client customizations. However, you have to have in mind that large customizations are not supported even with a valid license. In your case, you have used a table layout to display a custom topic page information, which is not a suitable markup for a content that you want to display properly on mobile resolution. The only suggestion we can give you is to think of a different layout to use on your page. Also, you should have in mind that styling an entire page is considered large customization and it is not included in our support service.
Best regards,
Nikola Dragiev