

8 years ago
#13100 Quote
  • 130
hristian.dimov wrote:
I checked "My Downloads" and see that I am entitled to download this version:
Is that a newer version of the plugin? Will upgrading to it fix my problem?


Yes, upgrading the plugin should fix your issue. The fix is available in the recent version of the 3.4 - 3.4.1168.22998

Hope this helps!

Okay, I will upgrade it tonight.
Can you confirm whether it is essential that I also upgrade the core plugin or not?

I recently (you may remember my support ticket) had a problem with different versions of the plugins causing problems on my website, and everything is working well, so I am hesitant to upgrade the Core plugin if not necessary.

8 years ago
#13101 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 386
joster wrote:
I checked "My Downloads" and see that I am entitled to download this version:
Is that a newer version of the plugin? Will upgrading to it fix my problem?


Yes, upgrading the plugin should fix your issue. The fix is available in the recent version of the 3.4 - 3.4.1168.22998

Hope this helps!

Okay, I will upgrade it tonight.
Can you confirm whether it is essential that I also upgrade the core plugin or not?

I recently (you may remember my support ticket) had a problem with different versions of the plugins causing problems on my website, and everything is working well, so I am hesitant to upgrade the Core plugin if not necessary.



From what I saw, it is not necessary to update the Core plugin, because the changes are only in the Reminders plugin.

Hope this helps!
Hristian Dimov
7 years ago
#13484 Quote
  • 79
We're looking to set this up so that customers receive 1 notification only. This will occur only if their cart has been abandoned for at least 24 hours but not more than 30 days.

Is this configuration correct?

Number Of Messages To Send Per Customer: 1
Condition Met Date Later Than: 30 days
Condition Met Date Earlier Than: 1 day
Interval Between Messages: 1 minutes

We're noticing multiple emails in the queue going out to the same customer. Some customers received 4 emails within an hour or so. I adjusted the task to only run once per day in the interim, but something doesn't seem configured properly here.

Nop 3.6
SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.CustomerReminders, Version=3.6.1862.23533, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

Nop 3.7 - ArtFactory
Nop 4.0 - Lavella, Venture, Smart, ArtFactory
7 years ago
#13493 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 277

We could not reproduce this issue. Can you Submit a Ticket with admin credentials to your store so we can inspect your configuration and further investigate this issue?
Anton Ivanov
7 years ago
#13495 Quote
  • 79
As an update, it appears that adjusting the “Customer Reminders” to run once per day has resolved some issues. Yesterday it sent out 39 emails, with no duplicates.

We have this current configuration:

Number of Messages to Send Per Customer: 1
Condition Met Date Later Than: 30 days
Condition Met Date Earlier Than: 24 hours
Interval Between Messages: 60 days

One customer who received an email yesterday did as well on Monday. This is one issue I see with the current setup.

If a customer edits their cart at any time, does the plugin reset the counter and considers this a “new” cart to keep track of?

If so, I think we need to adjust the Condition Met Date Earlier Than to a longer period than 24 hours, maybe 72 hours or more, so that customer’s do not get an email every day.

I appreciate the help!
Nop 3.7 - ArtFactory
Nop 4.0 - Lavella, Venture, Smart, ArtFactory