GreatAdventure wrote:Hello, one more bug, this one related to Desktop.
I'm not sure if it is a bug, or related to the browswer I'm using. I'm using Internet Explorer 8.
When mousing over the menu at the top (Products, Manufacturers, etc), the images are not showing, just broken images.
Also, when you select a product the "Quick Tabs" are not shown (maybe they are not enabled on the demo), just links to Overview, Specification and Review. When you click on one it takes you to the bottom of the page.
And, one more, it doesn' appear Nop Cloud Zoom is enabled.
Hi Shawn,
Thank you for reporting this problem in IE8. It looks like we use a styling that is not supported in IE8 but we will apply a fix for it.
Yes, the Cloud Zoom is not enabled yet on the demo but we will enable it.
The Tabs should be working fine. I guess you have had some javascript errors and that's why they are not loaded. Please clear the browser cache as we have updated the theme demo and the new scripts need to be loaded.
Many thanks for reporting this and please let us know if you find anything that doesn't seem right to you.