
Profile: todor.atanasov


User posts

2 years ago

abodeh wrote:
hello i am trying to use ur carousel plugin with our custom theme everything works fine instead of Model.CustomProperties.ContainsKey("SecondImageUrlForRollover")
its always null
we tried to even tried to add new setting
but again this value is null .

please i need your help thanks


Thank you for reaching out to us!

Unfortunately, this would be possible only on 4.4 and above and should work only with a restart of the application.

2 years ago


If you have an active license for the plugin or any theme of those which come with the Smart Product Collections plugin in your account, you should see the plugin in the list or simply choose the theme.

I think, however, that we received a ticket in this regard last week, so please ignore this reply if that was your ticket.

2 years ago

pccruiser wrote:
Doesn't work on motion theme. Set to false but the nav still stays.


Thank you for reaching out to us!

Besides hasStickyNav, which is responsible for the mobile menu, there is another setting that is used for the desktop - doesDesktopHeaderMenuStick

2 years ago

omid2006 wrote:
i install pacific art them and i want to one column in category page


Unfortunately, a one-column design for the category pages is not available in our Pacific theme.

2 years ago

livramgratis wrote:

When trying to configure Nop Smart Product Collections with Category Product Collections option there seems to be a problem with loading the products - in the preview it does not load any products from the selected category, and it is also not displayed on the homepage.

There is also an expectation that gets thrown:

Method not found: 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<Nop.Core.IPagedList`1<Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.Product>> Nop.Services.Catalog.IProductService.SearchProductsAsync(Int32, Int32, System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<Int32>, System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<Int32>, Int32, Int32, Int32, System.Nullable`1<Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.ProductType>, Boolean, Boolean, System.Nullable`1<System.Decimal>, System.Nullable`1<System.Decimal>, Int32, System.String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.SpecificationAttributeOption>, Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.ProductSortingEnum, Boolean, System.Nullable`1<Boolean>)'.

Is it really an issue or am I doing something wrong? Thanks


Thank you for reaching out to us!

Could you please raise a ticket in our support system and provide us with information like your nopCommerce version, as well as the exact version of our products that you are using (which you can find under Nop-Templates -> System Information in the administration).

[email protected] wrote:
We have the exact same issue. Can you please post the fix for this?


Please raise a ticket in our support system and provide us with more details.

2 years ago

rbrons wrote:
Dear all,

When I configure a product with product type Grouped I don't see the short description in the webshop. I see the picture and the title of the product but my short desctiption is gone. How can I add my short description? The full descript is working as it should be.

Thank you.


By design, in the emporium theme, the short description of a Grouped product is not displayed.

You can customize our template file \Themes\Emporium\Views\Product\ProductTemplate.Grouped.cshtml to add it. You can use:


Bear in mind that you might have to write custom CSS code in order to make it fit your needs.

2 years ago

Bizkaze wrote:
I have a need for a popup where users can say yes or no to being above 18 years.
Also this popup should be shown whenever a enters the site including from a google link where they might end on a particular product. What widget zone should I use for a popup?

This is the java script - not final version - that roughly has the need functionality.
function myFunction() {
  var txt;
  if (confirm("Jeg erklærer at jeg er over 18 år i forbindelse med køb af spiritus.")) {
    txt = "Ja, jeg er over 18 år.";
  } else {
    txt = "Jeg er under 18 år.";


You can use any of the widget zones available in the HTML widgets plugin. You can even define your custom widget zone and include it in the SupportedWidgetZones.xml file of our plugin and after a restart, you will see it available.

For scripts that should be active on every page, I assume you can either use head_html_tag or footer depending on your needs.

Dakosta wrote:

I guess you are missing some files or maybe the versions of the plugins and the Core plugin are different.
Please make sure you have the Core plugin as well all other plugins having the same version.
Simply download the product package from our website and update them.

It looks like I have a similar issue:

[b]ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types.
Return type in method 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders.Models.SlidePublicModel.<Clone>$()' on type 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders.Models.SlidePublicModel' from assembly 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders, Version=4.4.640.34233, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not compatible with base type method 'Nop.Web.Framework.Models.BaseNopEntityModel.<Clone>$()'.

I've downloaded and updated with the latest package version 4.4.951.34845. And I've got the same error but with the new version:
ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types.
Return type in method 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders.Models.SlidePublicModel.<Clone>$()' on type 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders.Models.SlidePublicModel' from assembly 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders, Version=4.4.951.34845, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not compatible with base type method 'Nop.Web.Framework.Models.BaseNopEntityModel.<Clone>$()'.

To be honest, after a spiritual ritual and rainmaking ( manually remove dll and bin folder, clean, restart, build etc.) it started working but after full build fails out again.
The problem is I can't make it work again as before.
I checked the version of SevenSpikes.Nop.Core.dll and SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders.dll - they are the same

This problem appeared when I migrated from VS2019 to VS2022.
Switch back to VS2019 didn't help.

Please, give me the clue


Thank you for your reply!

This is a known issue in nopCommerce 4.4 and unfortunately, we don't have any control over it. It is not only with our products but other third-party plugins as well:

The only solution is to build the project with Visual Studio 2019

3 years ago

zacmaclean wrote:
When I set a specific category as a top level item in the menu, the items in the category do not show up when I hover/click the menu item.  But if I have all categories as a menu item, my subcategories all show up fine.  Does this not show the items in a category if the category is set as a menu item?

I have double checked all my item settings, and restarted the site. "Include in top menu" is checked for the category I want to display.

I am running Nop 4.40.4 and plugin was purchased this week (NopCompletePluginCollection_4.4.941.34671)


Thank you for reaching out to us!

Please raise a ticket in our support system and provide us with administration access, in order for us to investigate further.